

Sur cette page, vous trouverez tous les documents, offres groupées et cartes mémoire flash proposés par le vendeur Afsar08.


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57 Avis reçus

41 éléments

Unit 17 : Digital Marketing (Assignment 1& 2) (Learning Aim A, B & C) (All Criteria Met)

0x  vendu

These essays are distinction-level work for Unit 17: -Digital Marketing Assignment 1 & 2 - Learning Aim A, B & C. You can efficiently work on your assignment by following my layout. in order to achieve the best grade (Distinction).

i x
  • Pack
  •  • 2 éléments • 
  • par Afsar08 • 
  • publié  2024
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Unit 15 : Investigating Retail Business (Assignment 1& 2) (Learning Aim A, B & C) (All Criteria Met)

1x  vendu

These essays are distinction-level work for Unit 15: - Investigating Retail Business Assignment 1 & 2 - Learning Aim A, B & C. You can efficiently work on your assignment by following my layout. in order to achieve the best grade (Distinction).

i x
  • Pack
  •  • 2 éléments • 
  • par Afsar08 • 
  • publié  2024
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Unit 15 : Investigating Retail Business Assignment 2 (Learning Aim C) (All Criteria Met)

5x  vendu

This essay is a distinction-level work for Unit 15 : Investigating Retail Business- Assignment 2. You can efficiently work on your assignment by following my layout. in order to achieve the best grade (Distinction).All of the following criteria is met in this document D3 Evaluate the impact digital technology has had on the processes of a specific retail business. D2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the supply chain and stock control on the success of a specific retail business. M3 Analyse the impa...

i x
  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 13 pages • 
  • par Afsar08 • 
  • publié  2024
Aperçu Rapide
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Unit 15 : Investigating Retail Business Assignment 1 (Learning Aim A & B) (All Criteria Met)

1x  vendu

This essay is a distinction-level work for Unit 15 : Investigating Retail Business- Assignment 1. You can efficiently work on your assignment by following my layout. in order to achieve the best grade (Distinction). All of the following criteria is met in this document D1 Evaluate how trends and changes in the UK consumer market have impacted on two contrasting national retailers. M2 Assess how a retail business ability to respond to change improves its competitiveness. M1 Analyse how local reta...

i x
  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 25 pages • 
  • par Afsar08 • 
  • publié  2024
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Unit 17 : Digital Marketing Assignment 2 (Learning Aim C) (All Criteria Met )

1x  vendu

This essay is a distinction-level work for Unit 17: Digital Marketing Assignment 2. You can efficiently work on your assignment by following my layout. in order to achieve the best grade (Distinction). All of the following criteria is met in this document D3 Produce creatively a digital marketing campaign, justifying the key decisions taken and potential improvements that could be used to create brand loyalty. M3 Produce a detailed digital marketing campaign and demonstrate how it integrates ...

i x
  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 7 pages • 
  • par Afsar08 • 
  • publié  2024
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Unit 17 : Digital Marketing Assignment 1 (Learning Aim A & B) (All Criteria Met)

2x  vendu

This essay is a distinction-level work for Unit 17 : Digital Marketing- Assignment 1. You can efficiently work on your assignment by following my layout. in order to achieve the best grade (Distinction). All of the following criteria is met in this document D2 Evaluate the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns from different businesses, and suggest ways to overcome concerns raised about digital marketing. D1 Justify the extent to which the digital environment is influencing consumer ch...

i x
  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 21 pages • 
  • par Afsar08 • 
  • publié  2024
Aperçu Rapide
i x

Unit 23 : The English Legal System (Assignment 1 & 2) (Learning Aim A, B & C) (All Criteria Met)

5x  vendu

These essays are distinction-level work for Unit 23: -The English Legal System Tools Assignment 1 & 2 - Learning Aim A, B & C. You can efficiently work on your assignment by following my layout. in order to achieve the best grade (Distinction).

i x
  • Pack
  •  • 2 éléments • 
  • par Afsar08 • 
  • publié  2023
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Unit 23: The English Legal System Assignment 2 ( Learning Aim C) (All Criteria Met)

1x  vendu

This essay is a distinction-level work for Unit 23: The English Level System- Assignment 1. P5 -Demonstrate how the legislative process would apply in given scenarios. P6-Explain the rules of precedent and statutory interpretation through accurate application in given scenarios. M3-Analyse the impact European law has had on domestic law in given situations. D3-Evaluate how far the sources of law provide certainty for lawyers giving legal advice. You can efficiently work on your assignment by fol...

i x
  •  Package deal
  • Dissertation
  •  • 5 pages • 
  • par Afsar08 • 
  • publié  2023
Aperçu Rapide
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