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17 Reviews received
375 items

Test Bank Journey Across the Life Span: Human Development and Health Promotion. 17th Edition. By Elaine U. Polan, Daphne R. Taylor. All Chapters – Latest Edition - ISBN-13 978-1719645911
Test Bank for Take a fascinating journey through the life cycle. 
Here’s just what you need to safely and effectively care for your patients at any stage of life in today’s ever-changing world of health care. The 7th Edition of this popular, student friendly text guides you through the life cycle—from conception to old age—with an emphasis on health promotion, maintenance, and restoration in clinical practice.
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 475 pages •
Test Bank for Take a fascinating journey through the life cycle. 
Here’s just what you need to safely and effectively care for your patients at any stage of life in today’s ever-changing world of health care. The 7th Edition of this popular, student friendly text guides you through the life cycle—from conception to old age—with an emphasis on health promotion, maintenance, and restoration in clinical practice.

Test Bank Macro-economics. 23rd Edition. by Sean Masaki Flynn, Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue. All Chapters - Latest Edition - ISBN-13 978-1266106934
Test Bank Macro-economics. 23rd Edition. by Sean Masaki Flynn, Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue makes learning and applying economics easier for instructors and students alike. From real-life examples to cutting-edge digital learning resources, such as interactive graphs, Adaptive Learning Assignments and much more, McConnell offers a student-centered learning environment that presents the subject matter in new and engaging ways. For instructors, a fully supportive teaching package does ...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 191 pages •
Test Bank Macro-economics. 23rd Edition. by Sean Masaki Flynn, Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue makes learning and applying economics easier for instructors and students alike. From real-life examples to cutting-edge digital learning resources, such as interactive graphs, Adaptive Learning Assignments and much more, McConnell offers a student-centered learning environment that presents the subject matter in new and engaging ways. For instructors, a fully supportive teaching package does ...

Test Bank Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist. 8th Edition by Olga A. C. Ibsen, Scott Peters. All Chapters – Latest Edition - ISBN-13 978-0323764032
Test Bank for Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist: With General Pathology Introductions, 8th Edition offers the most trusted general and oral pathology information that’s tailored to the specific role and responsibilities of the dental hygienist, while reflecting the content on the national board exam. Authors Ibsen and Peters incorporate the ideal mix of clinical photographs, radiographs, and focused discussions to help you learn how to successfully identify, understand, evaluate, and doc...
- Book
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 374 pages •
Test Bank for Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist: With General Pathology Introductions, 8th Edition offers the most trusted general and oral pathology information that’s tailored to the specific role and responsibilities of the dental hygienist, while reflecting the content on the national board exam. Authors Ibsen and Peters incorporate the ideal mix of clinical photographs, radiographs, and focused discussions to help you learn how to successfully identify, understand, evaluate, and doc...

Test Bank Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy. 6th Edition. by Margaret J. Fehrenbach, Tracy Popowics All Chapters- Latest Edition- ISBN-13978-0443104244
Test Bank for Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy, Sixth Edition, is the ideal introduction to one of the most foundational areas in the dental professions ― understanding the development, cellular makeup, and physical anatomy of the head and neck regions. Written in a clear, reader-friendly style, this text makes it easy to understand both basic science and clinical applications, putting the content into the context of everyday dental practice. New to this edition is evidenc...
- Book
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 299 pages •
Test Bank for Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy, Sixth Edition, is the ideal introduction to one of the most foundational areas in the dental professions ― understanding the development, cellular makeup, and physical anatomy of the head and neck regions. Written in a clear, reader-friendly style, this text makes it easy to understand both basic science and clinical applications, putting the content into the context of everyday dental practice. New to this edition is evidenc...

Test Bank Berne & Levy Physiology 8th Edition by Bruce M. Koeppen, Bruce A. Stanton, Julianne M Hall, Agnieszka Swiatecka-Urban. All Chapters-Latest Edition- ISBN-13 978-0323847902
Test Bank for Berne & Levy Physiology, 8th Edition, provides a perfect balance of content to deliver an in-depth understanding of the body’s dynamic processes. Long respected for its scientifically rigorous approach, this highly regarded, mid-size text offers essential physiology with integrated coverage of biophysics andkey experimental observations and examples―all designed to provide a solid scientific foundation in physiology for future scientists and clinicians.
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 195 pages •
Test Bank for Berne & Levy Physiology, 8th Edition, provides a perfect balance of content to deliver an in-depth understanding of the body’s dynamic processes. Long respected for its scientifically rigorous approach, this highly regarded, mid-size text offers essential physiology with integrated coverage of biophysics andkey experimental observations and examples―all designed to provide a solid scientific foundation in physiology for future scientists and clinicians.

Test Bank Essentials of Pediatric Nursing. 5th Edition. By Terri Kyle, Susan Carman. All Chapters-Latest Edition-ISBN-13 978-1975236144
Test Bank for Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 5th Edition. With a focus on directing students toward a profound comprehension of critical concepts, this edition surpasses mere repetition of medical-surgical content by expanding upon the foundation of students’ prior knowledge. 
Recognizing the unique intricacies of caring for children, this comprehensive text underscores simpler, fundamental concepts that pave the way toward mastering more complex problem-solving scenarios. By emphasizing ...
- Book
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 490 pages •
Test Bank for Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 5th Edition. With a focus on directing students toward a profound comprehension of critical concepts, this edition surpasses mere repetition of medical-surgical content by expanding upon the foundation of students’ prior knowledge. 
Recognizing the unique intricacies of caring for children, this comprehensive text underscores simpler, fundamental concepts that pave the way toward mastering more complex problem-solving scenarios. By emphasizing ...

Test Bank Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice: A Practical Approach. 5 th Edition. By Virginia Poole Arcangelo, Andrew M. Peterson, Veronica Wilbur, Tep M. Kang. Latest Edition|| All Chapters|| ISBN-13978-1975160593|| 100% Verified Answers
Test Bank for Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice, 5th Edition is Anchored in pharmacology and the principles of therapeutics, and written by experts in the field, this is your road map to effective drug therapies. Learn to correctly identify a disorder, review the drugs used to treat it, and select the optimal therapy. With expert direction on more than 50 common disorders, this is the ideal resource for advanced practice clinicians and students learning pharmacotherapeutics, and a go-t...
- Book
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 212 pages •
Test Bank for Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice, 5th Edition is Anchored in pharmacology and the principles of therapeutics, and written by experts in the field, this is your road map to effective drug therapies. Learn to correctly identify a disorder, review the drugs used to treat it, and select the optimal therapy. With expert direction on more than 50 common disorders, this is the ideal resource for advanced practice clinicians and students learning pharmacotherapeutics, and a go-t...

Solution Manual Payroll Accounting 2025 Landin 35th Edition by Bernard J. Bieg and Bridget Stomberg. All Chapters|| Latest Edition|| ISBN-13 978-0357988695
Master today's concepts and skills needed to calculate payroll, complete payroll taxes and prepare payroll records and reports with Bieg/Stomberg's Solution Manual for PAYROLL ACCOUNTING 2025, 35th Edition. Gain first-hand experience and foundational knowledge as you work with the latest payroll laws and changes. This edition focuses on practical application rather than theory as you complete exercises by hand and using Excel. Examples and real business applications demonstrate the importa...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 227 pages •
Master today's concepts and skills needed to calculate payroll, complete payroll taxes and prepare payroll records and reports with Bieg/Stomberg's Solution Manual for PAYROLL ACCOUNTING 2025, 35th Edition. Gain first-hand experience and foundational knowledge as you work with the latest payroll laws and changes. This edition focuses on practical application rather than theory as you complete exercises by hand and using Excel. Examples and real business applications demonstrate the importa...

Test Bank for Operations and Supply Chain Management. 17th Edition. By F. Robert Jacobs. Latest Edition|| Chapter 1-22|| ISBN-13 978-1266271007
Test bank for Operations and Supply Chain Management, 17e covers the latest and most important issues facing operations and supply chain management (OSCM) managers while providing basic tools and techniques to promote a competitive advantage and career-readiness. It covers relevant, current OSCM issues with a focus on the global economy, analytic content that ties decisions to relevant data, and solutions to operations and supply chain-related problems. Hot topics in business today that relate t...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 878 pages •
Test bank for Operations and Supply Chain Management, 17e covers the latest and most important issues facing operations and supply chain management (OSCM) managers while providing basic tools and techniques to promote a competitive advantage and career-readiness. It covers relevant, current OSCM issues with a focus on the global economy, analytic content that ties decisions to relevant data, and solutions to operations and supply chain-related problems. Hot topics in business today that relate t...

Test Bank Clinical Immunology and Serology: A Laboratory Perspective. 5th Edition. Christine Dorresteyn Stevens, Linda E. Miller. 2025|| Complete Chapters|| Latest Edition|| ISBN-13 978-0803694408
Test Bank for Clinical Immunology and Serology: A Laboratory Perspective offers a practical introduction you need to understand the essential theoretical principles of clinical immunology and the serological and molecular techniques commonly used in the laboratory. You’ll begin with an introduction to the immune system; then explore basic immunologic procedures; examine immune disorders; and study the serological and molecular diagnosis of infectious disease. 
An easy-to-read, student-friend...
- Book
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 215 pages •
Test Bank for Clinical Immunology and Serology: A Laboratory Perspective offers a practical introduction you need to understand the essential theoretical principles of clinical immunology and the serological and molecular techniques commonly used in the laboratory. You’ll begin with an introduction to the immune system; then explore basic immunologic procedures; examine immune disorders; and study the serological and molecular diagnosis of infectious disease. 
An easy-to-read, student-friend...
Test Bank For Microbiology An Evolving Science, 6th Edition. By John Foster, Erik R. Zinser & Joan Slonczewski. All Chapters Covered| 100% Verified Answers| ISBN-13 978-1324033523| 2025
Complete Test Bank The Human Body in Health and Illness. 7th Edition by Barbara Herlihy|| ISBN-13 978-0323711265
Test Bank For Pharmacology A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach. 11th Edition. By Linda E. McCuistion. All Chapters Covered| Latest Edition| 100%Verified Answers
TEST BANK For Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets. 9th Edition by Nancy Caroline Chapters 1 - 53 | Latest Edition| 100% Verified Answers| 2025
Missing 14 Chapters, so many errors, DONT TRUST
TEST BANK Becker's World of the Cell: Jeff Hardin & James P. Lodolce 10th Edition| All Chapters| Latest Edition