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Summary of Colleges of Corporate Innovation & Entrepreneurship + Literature! (ISBN: 9781111526917)
Summary of all Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation lectures, including important pieces from the literature. Concise but comprehensive enough to understand everything without having to read the whole book or have seen all the lectures!
- Book
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- • 38 pages •
Summary of all Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation lectures, including important pieces from the literature. Concise but comprehensive enough to understand everything without having to read the whole book or have seen all the lectures!
Arbeidspsychologie samenvatting van de Lectures + Literatuur
Arbeidspsychologie samenvatting van de Lectures + Literatuur.
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- • 18 pages •
Arbeidspsychologie samenvatting van de Lectures + Literatuur.
Oefenvragen gedragseconomie & wereldeconomie
- Flashcards
- • 3 items •
Geschiedenis - Made in China samenvatting
Engels - Essay about cosmetic surgery
Geschiedenis - Made in China samenvatting
Engels - Essay about tattoo regrets