
Jacks A Level notes

Hi I'm Jack and i have recently completed my A levels having attained 3A*s in History Politics and Religious Studies and now studying History at Bristol University. Here I am selling all my notes all of A-A* level that assisted me in obtaining these grades.


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A* essay How Far did US Presidents hinder rather than help the development of African Americans civil rights 1865-1992

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This is a fantastic Resource Questioning the extent to which the Presidents of the US from 1865-1992 were more of a hinderance or an assistance to African American Civil rights. The essay is of A* quality and is structured thematically in social, economic and political paragraphs and was extremely helpful in assisting myself in attaining an A* in History A Level this year.

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  • Essay
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • by Jackadler01 • 
  • uploaded  2022
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How Far had Opposition and discrimination to AA remained the same throughout the period 1865-1992

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This is a fantastic document questioning how far opposition and discrimination to African Americans had remained the same, including the extent to which they had remained just as violent as well as the extent to which the causes of opposition had persisted throughout the period. The essay looks at various forms of opposition and discrimination faced by AA during the period including the levels of lynchings and violence in the earlier periods that were also mirrored later on in the period as ...

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  • Essay
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by Jackadler01 • 
  • uploaded  2022
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To what extent was the 1960s the greatest turning point for AAs during the period 1865-1992

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This is a fantastic Resource from the OCR History Topic of African American Civil Rights in the US that questions the extent to which the 1960s was the greatest turning point in AA civil rights more so than any other period such as World War 2, the Gilded Age, the 1930s and 40s or the 1970s and 80s. Indeed the 1960s were significant in that this was the decade that saw both the civil and voting rights Act, however perhaps these acts would not have been necessary had more negative turning poi...

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  • Essay
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • by Jackadler01 • 
  • uploaded  2022
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how far did the aims of Civil rights Campaigners remain the same in the years 1865-1992

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This is a fantastic resource set out thematically in Political, Social and Economic Paragraphs, that questions the extent to which throughout the period 1865-1992 the aims of the campaigners had remained the same. The essay notes the differing aims of earlier leaders such as Booker T Washington, Du Bois and Marcus Garvey that for many centred around the aims of economic improvements through social segregation and separatism compared to later leaders such as A Philip Randolph and Martin Luthe...

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  • Essay
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by Jackadler01 • 
  • uploaded  2022
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A* Essay To what Extent was Martin Luther King was the most successful African American Civil Rights leader in the US between the period 1865-1992

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This is a fantastic resource questioning the extent to which Martin Luther King was the most important and successful leader in the endeavour for the improvement of AA civil rights in the US, more so than any other leader during the period such as Booker T Washington, Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, A Philip Randolph and Malcom X. The Document notes many of his successes such as the March on Washington, Birmingham and Selma leading to the successes of the 1960s such as the Voting Rights Act and the...

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  • Essay
  •  • 5 pages • 
  • by Jackadler01 • 
  • uploaded  2022
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To what extent was Du Bois the most successful Civil Rights Leader in the period 1865-1992

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This is a fantastic resource questioning the extent to which W D Du Bois was the most successful and impactful African American Civil Rights Campaigner, most so than any other leader such as Booker T Washington, Martin Luther King and A Philip Randolph. The essay is of A* quality and is structured thematically in socially, economically and political paragraphs and contains why and why not Du Bois would be seen as the greatest leader and why others are perhaps more important or were more impa...

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  • Essay
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • by Jackadler01 • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Complete A* Notes and Essay plans and essays from History OCR African American Civil Rights 1865-1992

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This is a fantastic resource containing numerous notes, essays and essay plans from the OCR History African American Civil rights Topic during the period 1865-1992, all of which are structured thematically in Social, Political and Economic Paragraphs and are all of A-A* level. They contain questions on the importance of the leaders such as Booker T Washington, Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, A Philip Randolph and Martin Luther King, as well as the importance of other factors such as the Federal gove...

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  • Summary
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • by Jackadler01 • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Evaluate the View that Pressure groups are better at defending rights than the Supreme Court.

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This is a fantastic resource questioning how far Pressure Groups are more able to successfully defend the rights and civil liberties of people more so than the Supreme Court.

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  • Essay
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • by Jackadler01 • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Evaluate the view that Pressure Groups are better at defending rights than the UK Supreme Court

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This is a fantastic resource that questions the extent to which Pressure Groups are more able to successfully defend civil rights and liberties in the UK than the Supreme Court. The essay looks at issues with both such as the problems with Elitism with Pressure Groups as well as the issues with Parliamentary Sovereignty with the Supreme Court. The essay plan also highlights how for both, the Government tend to have control and so in many instances both are limited. The resource further ac...

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  • Essay
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • by Jackadler01 • 
  • uploaded  2022
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