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A level edexcel Learning theories psychology
Contains all the content, methods, classic and contemporary study, key question and practical investigation that u have to know for a level psychology. Evaluation points are written through out each topic.
- Package deal
- • 5 items •
- Summary - Unit 4 - Learning theories • Summary
- Learning theories 4.2 methods • Summary
- Learning theories 4.3 Studies • Summary
- Learning Theories 4.4 key question • Summary
- Learning theories 4.5 Practical investigation • Summary
Contains all the content, methods, classic and contemporary study, key question and practical investigation that u have to know for a level psychology. Evaluation points are written through out each topic.
Learning theories 4.5 Practical investigation
Has very limited information for the learning theories practical investigation but it does includes the aim:The aim of the practical was to establish whether there was a difference in gender when it comes to prosocial behaviour, specifically on public transport. The hypothesis is also includes along with short summary of procedure and sample.
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- Summary
- • 1 pages •
Has very limited information for the learning theories practical investigation but it does includes the aim:The aim of the practical was to establish whether there was a difference in gender when it comes to prosocial behaviour, specifically on public transport. The hypothesis is also includes along with short summary of procedure and sample.
Learning Theories 4.4 key question
Has information for the learning theories key question "Would it be a good idea for airline companies to offer treatment programmes for fear of flying?", it includes information for types of treatments for phobia such as systematic desensitisation.
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- Summary
- • 3 pages •
Has information for the learning theories key question "Would it be a good idea for airline companies to offer treatment programmes for fear of flying?", it includes information for types of treatments for phobia such as systematic desensitisation.
Learning theories 4.3 Studies
This document has the aims, procedure, findings and conclusions of the classical study and contemporary study for learning theories as well as evaluation points which can be used in explain and evaluate type questions. the classic study being Watson and Rayner (1920) Little Albert: Conditioned emotional reactions, and contemporary study being Becker et al. (2002) Eating behaviours and attitudes following prolonged exposure to television among ethnic Fijian adolescent girls.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 9 pages •
This document has the aims, procedure, findings and conclusions of the classical study and contemporary study for learning theories as well as evaluation points which can be used in explain and evaluate type questions. the classic study being Watson and Rayner (1920) Little Albert: Conditioned emotional reactions, and contemporary study being Becker et al. (2002) Eating behaviours and attitudes following prolonged exposure to television among ethnic Fijian adolescent girls.
Learning theories 4.2 methods
For methodology in Learning theories, it has summaries of different types of observations, animal ethics and statistical test called chi-squared, all have a summary of evaluation points.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 6 pages •
For methodology in Learning theories, it has summaries of different types of observations, animal ethics and statistical test called chi-squared, all have a summary of evaluation points.
Summary - Unit 4 - Learning theories
Has all the content of a level edexcel psychology of learning theories summaries with detailed points and evaluation points, such as skinner's rats experiment, classical conditioning, operant learning, social learning, systematic desensitisation and flooding.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 21 pages •
Has all the content of a level edexcel psychology of learning theories summaries with detailed points and evaluation points, such as skinner's rats experiment, classical conditioning, operant learning, social learning, systematic desensitisation and flooding.
Biological psychology Practical investigation
Presents the practical investigation for biological psychology in a clear layout of aim, hypothesis and evaluations. The practical investigation that is spoke about is aimed to investigate if there is a gender difference between physical aggression and whether it correlates with finger length.
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
Presents the practical investigation for biological psychology in a clear layout of aim, hypothesis and evaluations. The practical investigation that is spoke about is aimed to investigate if there is a gender difference between physical aggression and whether it correlates with finger length.
Biological psychology Key question
This document has information and a clear layout on what to include when asked to answer the biological key question "How effective is drug therapy for treating addictions? For example, methadone to treat heroin addiction."
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
This document has information and a clear layout on what to include when asked to answer the biological key question "How effective is drug therapy for treating addictions? For example, methadone to treat heroin addiction."
Biological psychology Studies
In edexcel as/a level biological psychology, we look at the classical study of Raine et al. (1997) who wanted to see whether there was different brain functioning in a group of murderers compared to a control group of participants. This document also contains the contemporary study of Li et al. (2013) Abnormal function of the posterior cingulate cortex in heroin addicted users during resting-state and drug-cue stimulation task. Both studies are clearly laid out with the aims, procedure and findi...
- Summary
- • 8 pages •
In edexcel as/a level biological psychology, we look at the classical study of Raine et al. (1997) who wanted to see whether there was different brain functioning in a group of murderers compared to a control group of participants. This document also contains the contemporary study of Li et al. (2013) Abnormal function of the posterior cingulate cortex in heroin addicted users during resting-state and drug-cue stimulation task. Both studies are clearly laid out with the aims, procedure and findi...
Biological psychology Methods
Contains methodology on correlation, Brain scans such as PET scans, MRI scans and CAT scans and statistical tests such as spearman's rho test. Methods for edexcel biological psychology also requires to know case studies of adoption studies and twin studies such as Gottesman and shields 1966 twin studies and schizophrenia and Heston 1966 adoption study linking to human behaviours such as schizophrenia.
- Summary
- • 12 pages •
Contains methodology on correlation, Brain scans such as PET scans, MRI scans and CAT scans and statistical tests such as spearman's rho test. Methods for edexcel biological psychology also requires to know case studies of adoption studies and twin studies such as Gottesman and shields 1966 twin studies and schizophrenia and Heston 1966 adoption study linking to human behaviours such as schizophrenia.