Alles wat je moet weten over (bijna) alle vakken van je studie
Hoi, ik ben Billy! Ik ben vierdejaars student aan de Radboud Universiteit, bachelor studie economie en bedr. economie en nu master Econmics, Behavior and Policy. Samenvattingen zijn voor mij de makkelijkste manier om een vak te leren, en ik deel die samenvattingen graag met diegenen die ze nodig hebben. Als je ergens een vraag over hebt, stuur me dan gerust een berichtje. Ook bij problemen en / of andere opmerkingen hoor ik dat graag! Als mijn samenvatting je geholpen heeft, laat dan een goede rating achter. Dat helpt mij en anderen na jou :)
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61 Reviews received
22 items
International Financial Policy Summary
This summary covers the entire content of the course IFP. It is written on basis of both the lectures and the problem sets. A very handy summary for everyone who has trouble with the course and wants to understand some things a little better, or for those who just want all information in one document. 

* IMPORTANT NOTE* This document misses topic 6b. I am very sorry about this and I am trying to fill it in with the relevant information but due to it not being available to rewatch I couldn't do...
- Summary
- • 105 pages •
This summary covers the entire content of the course IFP. It is written on basis of both the lectures and the problem sets. A very handy summary for everyone who has trouble with the course and wants to understand some things a little better, or for those who just want all information in one document. 

* IMPORTANT NOTE* This document misses topic 6b. I am very sorry about this and I am trying to fill it in with the relevant information but due to it not being available to rewatch I couldn't do...
Financial Regulation Summary
An elaborate summary of the course Financial Regulation. This summary covers all topics, guest lectures, problem sets and student presentations. The document is structured in a clear and easy way and aims at showing all you need to know for the exam. Ideal for everyone who doesn't have the time to spit through all the content themselves or for those who simply want all information needed for the exam in one summary.
- Summary
- • 106 pages •
An elaborate summary of the course Financial Regulation. This summary covers all topics, guest lectures, problem sets and student presentations. The document is structured in a clear and easy way and aims at showing all you need to know for the exam. Ideal for everyone who doesn't have the time to spit through all the content themselves or for those who simply want all information needed for the exam in one summary.
FinTech Summary
This summary contains everything you need to know about the course FinTech & the Transformation of Financial Services. It covers all lectures, guest lectures and group projects in a clear and easily understandable manner. A very good sollution for everyone who doesn't have the time to go through all the lectures themselves (or simply doesn't feel like it), or for those who need some extra guidance through the course.
- Summary
- • 48 pages •
This summary contains everything you need to know about the course FinTech & the Transformation of Financial Services. It covers all lectures, guest lectures and group projects in a clear and easily understandable manner. A very good sollution for everyone who doesn't have the time to go through all the lectures themselves (or simply doesn't feel like it), or for those who need some extra guidance through the course.
Economics and Sustainable Development Summary
An elaborate summary to the entire course Economics and Sustainable Development. This document covers all the lectures and seminars. This means all the information you need to know for the course, including the answers to the questions, are included. At the end of the document there is even a short summary of all the writers covered in the course and their key points.
- Summary
- • 100 pages •
An elaborate summary to the entire course Economics and Sustainable Development. This document covers all the lectures and seminars. This means all the information you need to know for the course, including the answers to the questions, are included. At the end of the document there is even a short summary of all the writers covered in the course and their key points.
Project: Financial Instruments Summary
This document gives you a summary of the entire course project: financial instruments. It covers all the information as it is given week-by-week. All the terms you need to know are in bold, so you do not need to look for something you cannot find. Furthermore this document contains the answers to the individual assignments, as well as an explanation to how you need to do it. I passed the course with an 8 first try, so success is nearly guaranteed. Perfect for when you struggle with the course or...
- Book
- Summary
- • 33 pages •
This document gives you a summary of the entire course project: financial instruments. It covers all the information as it is given week-by-week. All the terms you need to know are in bold, so you do not need to look for something you cannot find. Furthermore this document contains the answers to the individual assignments, as well as an explanation to how you need to do it. I passed the course with an 8 first try, so success is nearly guaranteed. Perfect for when you struggle with the course or...
History of Economics superbundel
Deze bundel bevat de documenten Schools in question :an elaborate summary of History of Economics, all schools in a table en all economists in a table. Uitermate geschikt wanneer History maar niet wil lukken en je het overzicht volledig kwijt bent.
- Package deal
- • 3 items •
Deze bundel bevat de documenten Schools in question :an elaborate summary of History of Economics, all schools in a table en all economists in a table. Uitermate geschikt wanneer History maar niet wil lukken en je het overzicht volledig kwijt bent.
Investment Management Summary
A summary to the entire course Investment Management. This summary contains all the information to let you pass the exam. I should know, as I made it in my first attempt. The document is ordered by weeks, making it easy for you to look something up. Not only that, the document also contains all the formulas that are not on the formula sheet.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 28 pages •
A summary to the entire course Investment Management. This summary contains all the information to let you pass the exam. I should know, as I made it in my first attempt. The document is ordered by weeks, making it easy for you to look something up. Not only that, the document also contains all the formulas that are not on the formula sheet.
Investment Management Chapter Assignments
Solutions to all the questions covered in the course Investment Management. Handy to check your own work or to look something up when you don't know the answer. Contains explanations as to why the answers are what they are as well.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Answers
- • 23 pages •
Solutions to all the questions covered in the course Investment Management. Handy to check your own work or to look something up when you don't know the answer. Contains explanations as to why the answers are what they are as well.
Schools in question: an elaborate summary of the course History of Economics (grade 9.5)
A complete summary of the course History of Economics. This document will tell you everything you need to know in preparation for the exam History of Economics. This document has been adjusted to include the answers to all of the possible exam questions as given by the lecturer. The document is divided into all schools, and elaborates on all the writers, movements and other details you will need to know by answering 6 main questions per school:
1. What is the historical background of the school?...
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 83 pages •
A complete summary of the course History of Economics. This document will tell you everything you need to know in preparation for the exam History of Economics. This document has been adjusted to include the answers to all of the possible exam questions as given by the lecturer. The document is divided into all schools, and elaborates on all the writers, movements and other details you will need to know by answering 6 main questions per school:
1. What is the historical background of the school?...
Summary Strategy man-bcu012(EN)
Summary Macroeconomics & Policy
International Financial Policy Summary
International Financial Policy Summary
Behavioural and Experimental Finance Summary and Assignments (2020)