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Revision notes + full marks coursework example bundle
Includes full revision notes covering the whole syllabi for:

- Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914
- India, c1914-48: the road to independence
- In search of the American Dream

And an example A level History coursework essay which scored 20/20, submitted for assessment in the 2017 A level History exams.
- Package deal
- • 4 items •
- In search of the American Dream revision notes • Summary
- India, c1914-48: the road to independence revision notes • Summary
- Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914 revision notes • Summary
- Full marks A* coursework essay: What is your view about the extent to which the First English Civil War was caused by religious divisions? • Essay
Includes full revision notes covering the whole syllabi for:

- Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914
- India, c1914-48: the road to independence
- In search of the American Dream

And an example A level History coursework essay which scored 20/20, submitted for assessment in the 2017 A level History exams.
Revision notes bundle
Buy revision notes together and save over £20!

Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914 revision notes
India, c1914-48: the road to independence revision notes
In search of the American Dream revision notes
- Package deal
- • 3 items •
Buy revision notes together and save over £20!

Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914 revision notes
India, c1914-48: the road to independence revision notes
In search of the American Dream revision notes
Full marks A* coursework essay: What is your view about the extent to which the First English Civil War was caused by religious divisions?
Original coursework essay submitted in 2017 for the Edexcel A level in History (syllabus first taught in 2015). The essay was awarded full marks after moderation and the candidate later achieved an A* in the overall A level.

The full question set as the coursework title was as follows:

Historians have disagreed about the extent to which the First English Civil War was caused by religious divisions. What is your view about the extent to which the First English Civil War was caused by religious ...
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Essay
- • 12 pages •
Original coursework essay submitted in 2017 for the Edexcel A level in History (syllabus first taught in 2015). The essay was awarded full marks after moderation and the candidate later achieved an A* in the overall A level.

The full question set as the coursework title was as follows:

Historians have disagreed about the extent to which the First English Civil War was caused by religious divisions. What is your view about the extent to which the First English Civil War was caused by religious ...
Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914 revision notes
Revision notes from the Edexcel-endorsed textbook for Paper 3 Unit 35.1 (Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914).
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 53 pages •
Revision notes from the Edexcel-endorsed textbook for Paper 3 Unit 35.1 (Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914).
India, c1914-48: the road to independence revision notes
Revision notes for the Edexcel AS and A level History course for paper 2 option F: India, c1914-48: the road to independence.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 30 pages •
Revision notes for the Edexcel AS and A level History course for paper 2 option F: India, c1914-48: the road to independence.
In search of the American Dream revision notes
Revision guide/notes for In search of the American Dream from the Searching for Rights and Freedoms textbook, covering every topic in bullet point form.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 55 pages •
Revision guide/notes for In search of the American Dream from the Searching for Rights and Freedoms textbook, covering every topic in bullet point form.
Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914 revision notes
Full marks A* coursework essay: What is your view about the extent to which the First English Civil War was caused by religious divisions?
Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914 revision notes
Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763-1914 revision notes
Full marks A* coursework essay: What is your view about the extent to which the First English Civil War was caused by religious divisions?