Hi! Ik studeer zowel Global Law als Fiscaal recht, dus je zult aantekeningen tegen komen van beide studies
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Obligations and Contract Law II - All lectures
This bundle contains the lecture notes of part 1: labor law (lectures 1-6) and part 2: contract law (lectures 7-10) of the course Obligations & Contract Law II.
- Package deal
- • 2 items •
- Part 2: Contract law - Obligations and Contract Law II • Class notes
- Part 1: Labor Law - Obligations & Contract Law II • Class notes
This bundle contains the lecture notes of part 1: labor law (lectures 1-6) and part 2: contract law (lectures 7-10) of the course Obligations & Contract Law II.
Part 1: Labor Law - Obligations & Contract Law II
This documents contains extensive lecture notes of the lecture 1 - 6 of the course Obligations & Contract Law II. These lectures constitute part 1: labor law. For part 2: contract law, see my other document.
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 36 pages •
This documents contains extensive lecture notes of the lecture 1 - 6 of the course Obligations & Contract Law II. These lectures constitute part 1: labor law. For part 2: contract law, see my other document.
Part 2: Contract law - Obligations and Contract Law II
This documents contains extensive lecture notes of the lectures 7 - 10 of the course Obligations and Contract Law. These lectures constitute part 2 of the course: Contract Law. For part 1: labor law, see my other document.
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 22 pages •
This documents contains extensive lecture notes of the lectures 7 - 10 of the course Obligations and Contract Law. These lectures constitute part 2 of the course: Contract Law. For part 1: labor law, see my other document.
Inleiding Ondernemingsrecht HC
Hoorcollege aantekeningen van het vak inleiding Ondernemingsrecht. Ik heb een 8 gehaald met enkel deze aantekeningen.
- Class notes
- • 36 pages •
Hoorcollege aantekeningen van het vak inleiding Ondernemingsrecht. Ik heb een 8 gehaald met enkel deze aantekeningen.
Outline Introduction to Global Law II
Lecture notes for the course Introduction to Global Law II. Includes information from the PP slides and lecturer's spoken information. All information is discussed with examples of tobacco and smoking legislation.
- Class notes
- • 35 pages •
Lecture notes for the course Introduction to Global Law II. Includes information from the PP slides and lecturer's spoken information. All information is discussed with examples of tobacco and smoking legislation.
Tort Law Outline
Schematic outline for the first-year course of Tort Law. Does not follow powerpoint slides, but has outlined the different torts for each jurisdiction with the requirements and provisions.
- Class notes
- • 17 pages •
Schematic outline for the first-year course of Tort Law. Does not follow powerpoint slides, but has outlined the different torts for each jurisdiction with the requirements and provisions.
Business For Lawyers Lecture Notes
Lecture notes for the first-year course Business for Lawyers. Includes all lectures and many graphs and illustrations.
- Class notes
- • 49 pages •
Lecture notes for the first-year course Business for Lawyers. Includes all lectures and many graphs and illustrations.
Law, Technology and Society Lecture Notes
I studied only these lecture notes and scored 8/10.
- Class notes
- • 52 pages •
I studied only these lecture notes and scored 8/10.
Stappenplan tentamenvragen GIB
Stappenplannen voor de beantwoording van tentamenvragen, gemaakt aan de hand van oude tentamens met antwoordindicaties.
- Other
- • 3 pages •
Stappenplannen voor de beantwoording van tentamenvragen, gemaakt aan de hand van oude tentamens met antwoordindicaties.
Omzetbelasting 2020/2021 - collegeaantekeningen
Part 1: Labor Law - Obligations & Contract Law II
Part 2: Contract law - Obligations and Contract Law II
Part 2: Contract law - Obligations and Contract Law II