Knowledge provided by Jaap
Hi everyone. I'm Jaap, co-founder of Stuvia. If you have any complaints, tips, tricks, suggestions, or you just want to tell me a joke; send me a message!
Happy studying and happy earning! ;)
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4 Reviews received
4 items
Virtual Customer Service Agents: Using Social Presence and Personalization to Shape Online Service Encounters
Masterscriptie over de rol van Virtual Customer Service Agents op de online service beleving
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 45 pages •
Masterscriptie over de rol van Virtual Customer Service Agents op de online service beleving
IT to support Knowledge Sharing in Communities, towards a Social Capital Analysis
Summary and critical reflection on the article "IT to support Knowledge Sharing in Communities, towards a Social Capital Analysis" by Huysman & Wulf (2006).
- Package deal
- Presentation
- • 8 pages •
Summary and critical reflection on the article "IT to support Knowledge Sharing in Communities, towards a Social Capital Analysis" by Huysman & Wulf (2006).
De Invloed van Interactiviteit op de Effectiviteit van Product Placement in Videogames
In dit onderzoek wordt de factor interactiviteit geanalyseerd met betrekking tot de effectiviteit van product placements in videogames.
- Package deal
- Thesis
- • 26 pages •
In dit onderzoek wordt de factor interactiviteit geanalyseerd met betrekking tot de effectiviteit van product placements in videogames.
Stuvia Quiz
Really cool!!
Translated by GoogleStuvia Quiz
Translated by GoogleIT to support Knowledge Sharing in Communities, towards a Social Capital Analysis
Has greatly helped me!
Translated by GoogleIT to support Knowledge Sharing in Communities, towards a Social Capital Analysis