English below
Beste medestudenten op Stuvia! Bedankt dat je mijn profiel bekijkt. Ik verkoop samenvattingen voor vakken uit de master Management, Economics and Consumer Studies aan de WUR. Met mijn samenvattingen en jouw inzet heb je een grotere kans om het tentamen te halen! 5 sterren beoordelingen op de samenvattingen worden gewaardeerd!
Dear students on Stuvia! Thank you for visiting my profile. I share and sell summaries for different courses from the master Management, Economics and Consumer Studies at the WUR. With help of my summaries and your own effort, you will become more likely to get an excellent grade for your exam. 5-star reviews on my documents are very appreciated.
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21 items

Consumer, Technology and Innovation - Lecture summary (YSS-31806)
Summary of the 8 lectures and 1 guest lecture of the master course YSS-31806 Consumer, Technology and Innovation. This is a mandatory course for the master MME (Management, Economics and Consumer Studies). I got a 9.5 for the exam with my summaries. This lecture summary contains a summary of the following lectures: lecture 1: intro & 5: technology and social health inequalities (van Berkel-socio), lecture 2: user perspective & 6: technology development user perspective (Steenbekkers-user), lectu...
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- • 16 pagina's •
Summary of the 8 lectures and 1 guest lecture of the master course YSS-31806 Consumer, Technology and Innovation. This is a mandatory course for the master MME (Management, Economics and Consumer Studies). I got a 9.5 for the exam with my summaries. This lecture summary contains a summary of the following lectures: lecture 1: intro & 5: technology and social health inequalities (van Berkel-socio), lecture 2: user perspective & 6: technology development user perspective (Steenbekkers-user), lectu...

Building Entrepreneurial Teams (BET) - Tutorials, Guest Lectures & Literature (ELS-51306)
Bundle for the course ELS-51306 Building Entrepreneurial Teams (BET). The bundle contains a summary of the tutorials, guest lectures, and the mandatory academic literature for the open book exam. With these summaries, I was able to get an 8,0 for the exam.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
Bundle for the course ELS-51306 Building Entrepreneurial Teams (BET). The bundle contains a summary of the tutorials, guest lectures, and the mandatory academic literature for the open book exam. With these summaries, I was able to get an 8,0 for the exam.

Building Entrepreneurial Teams (BET) - Literature (ELS-51306)
Summary of the mandatory literature for the exam of the course ELS-51306: Building Entrepreneurial Teams. This is a course that can be part of the MSc Track Entrepreneurship (E-track). It contains a summary of the following scientific literature: 1) Hülsheger et al., (2009), 2) Schjoedt & Kraus (2009), 3) Decuyper et al., (2010), 4) Edmondson et al., (2007), 5) Wesselink (2019), 6) Dutta & Crossan (2005), 7) Finkle (2012), 8) Bouwmans et al., (2017), 9) Baggen et al., (2016), 10) Osagie et al.,...
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- • 12 pagina's •
Summary of the mandatory literature for the exam of the course ELS-51306: Building Entrepreneurial Teams. This is a course that can be part of the MSc Track Entrepreneurship (E-track). It contains a summary of the following scientific literature: 1) Hülsheger et al., (2009), 2) Schjoedt & Kraus (2009), 3) Decuyper et al., (2010), 4) Edmondson et al., (2007), 5) Wesselink (2019), 6) Dutta & Crossan (2005), 7) Finkle (2012), 8) Bouwmans et al., (2017), 9) Baggen et al., (2016), 10) Osagie et al.,...

Building Entrepreneurial Teams (BET) - Tutorials & Guest Lectures (ELS-51306)
Summary of all 5 tutorials (tutorial 1, 2, 4, 7 & 8), which discussed exam materials, and the 2 guest lectures (1: Tjerrie Smit, NN Group, 2: Martin Slot, De Groot & Slot). Does not contain tutorials 3, 5, and 6 because these were pitch tutorials. With this summary in combination with the literature summary, I was able to get an 8,0 for the exam.
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- • 10 pagina's •
Summary of all 5 tutorials (tutorial 1, 2, 4, 7 & 8), which discussed exam materials, and the 2 guest lectures (1: Tjerrie Smit, NN Group, 2: Martin Slot, De Groot & Slot). Does not contain tutorials 3, 5, and 6 because these were pitch tutorials. With this summary in combination with the literature summary, I was able to get an 8,0 for the exam.

Digital Food Marketing - Lectures and Tutorials Summary (MCB-52806 )
Summary of the 6 lectures (Van Loo & Brouwer), 2 guest lectures (Alpro & food recommendation systems), and the 6 tutorials. With this summary, I was able to get a 9,0 for the exam of MCB-52806 (Digital Food Marketing).
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- • 44 pagina's •
Summary of the 6 lectures (Van Loo & Brouwer), 2 guest lectures (Alpro & food recommendation systems), and the 6 tutorials. With this summary, I was able to get a 9,0 for the exam of MCB-52806 (Digital Food Marketing).

Interdisciplinary Themes in Food & Sustainability - Lectures and Guest Lectures Summary (YSS-33806)
Summary of the lectures and guest lectures for the course YSS-33806 (Interdisciplinary Themes in Food and Sustainability), which is mandatory for first-year MSc students MME (Management, Economics and Consumer Studies). This summary contains notes from all lectures and guest lectures given in the academic year 2020-2021. It contains the following lectures: 1 (Hospes), 2 (Hospes), 3 (Slegers), 4 (Hospes), 5 (Hospes), 6 (Koukouna, Blonk Consultants), 7A (Meerman, Social Economic Council), 7B (Kris...
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- • 27 pagina's •
Summary of the lectures and guest lectures for the course YSS-33806 (Interdisciplinary Themes in Food and Sustainability), which is mandatory for first-year MSc students MME (Management, Economics and Consumer Studies). This summary contains notes from all lectures and guest lectures given in the academic year 2020-2021. It contains the following lectures: 1 (Hospes), 2 (Hospes), 3 (Slegers), 4 (Hospes), 5 (Hospes), 6 (Koukouna, Blonk Consultants), 7A (Meerman, Social Economic Council), 7B (Kris...

Interdisciplinary Themes in Food & Sustainability - Mandatory Literature Summary (YSS-33806)
Summary of the mandatory academic literature for the exam of the first-year master course YSS-33806 Interdisciplinary Themes in Food and Sustainability. This is a mandatory course for first-year MME students. This document contains summaries for the following scientific papers: 1A (Ahlström et al., 2020), 1B (Hospes et al., 2017), 3A (Bjørn et al., 2018), 3B (Owsianiak et al., 2018), 3C (Moltesen & Bjørn, 2018), 6A (Martinez-Blanco & Finkbeiner, 2018), 7A (Scheper, 2019), 8A (Mulder, 2019), 8...
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- • 12 pagina's •
Summary of the mandatory academic literature for the exam of the first-year master course YSS-33806 Interdisciplinary Themes in Food and Sustainability. This is a mandatory course for first-year MME students. This document contains summaries for the following scientific papers: 1A (Ahlström et al., 2020), 1B (Hospes et al., 2017), 3A (Bjørn et al., 2018), 3B (Owsianiak et al., 2018), 3C (Moltesen & Bjørn, 2018), 6A (Martinez-Blanco & Finkbeiner, 2018), 7A (Scheper, 2019), 8A (Mulder, 2019), 8...

Interdisciplinary Themes in Food & Sustainability - Answers Exam Pool 2 (YSS-33806)
Answers to the exam questions from exam pool 2 for the course YSS-33806 Interdisciplinary Themes in Food and Sustainability. This course is mandatory for the master MME MSc Management, Economics and Consumer Studies. At the exam 5 questions from exam pool 1 and 2 literally came back. With these answers to the exam pool questions, I got an 8.5 for the exam.
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- • 6 pagina's •
Answers to the exam questions from exam pool 2 for the course YSS-33806 Interdisciplinary Themes in Food and Sustainability. This course is mandatory for the master MME MSc Management, Economics and Consumer Studies. At the exam 5 questions from exam pool 1 and 2 literally came back. With these answers to the exam pool questions, I got an 8.5 for the exam.
Interdisciplinary Themes in Food & Sustainability - Mandatory Literature Summary (YSS-33806)
Interdisciplinary Themes in Food & Sustainability - Answers Exam Pool 2 (YSS-33806)