
Biology - For green and medical students

I have followed many different courses in both Green and Medical directions. I always write summaries for the entire course, because that is the way I like to learn. I hope I can help you with studying by providing all my summaries and lecture notes! My summaries are known to be really clear and structured, almost always containing pictures and highlights of the most important parts.


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7 Reviews received

9 items

Neurodevelopment +

0x  sold

De bundel bevat de samenvatting van de cursus 'Neurodevelopment' en een extra bestand met meer uitleg over de anatomie en development van het menselijk brein. Neurodevelopment - Complete Summary is gebaseerd op de cursus neurodevelopment. Translational neuroscience - second exam de eerst 9 paginas zijn additionele stof van deze cursus.

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  • Package deal
  •  • 2 items • 
  • by julievanimmerseel • 
  • uploaded  2020
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Endocrinology Syllabus

3x  sold

This is the syllabus I used during the exam. I passed the course with an 8 with the syllabus. It contains all the lecture notes and the notes regarding the practical. It contains pictures, clear explanations, an index page, references and a search catalog.

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  • Summary
  •  • 56 pages • 
  • by julievanimmerseel • 
  • uploaded  2020
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Translational Neuroscience (MEDMIN16)

5x  sold

Deze bundel bevat alle aantekeningen voor het gehele vak Translational Neuroscience (MED-MIN16). De drie samenvattingen horen elk bij het specifieke deeltentamen en deel van het vak. Ze bevatten aantekeningen van de colleges, uitwerkingen van de powerpoints en duidelijke afbeeldingen.

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  • Package deal
  •  • 3 items • 
  • by julievanimmerseel • 
  • uploaded  2020
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