Als student Bewegingswetenschappen (2010) ben ik in februari 2014 afgestuurd, met mijn scriptie, en mijn voornaamste interesse, over interactie vaardigheden (tussen personen). Dat wil zeggen, hoe en in welke mate beïnvloed de omgeving iemand's gedrag en in hoeverre heb je daar controle over.
Momenteel volg ik een schakelprogramma voor de master Human Machine Communication (FWN), wat een afsplitsing is van Kunstmatige Intelligentie. Hier zou ik in September 2014 mee moeten beginnen.
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7 Ontvangen beoordelingen
4 items

The human mind
Two summaries of books describing how the mind works. Whereas in "Judgement and decision making" the focus lies more on behavioral psychology, "How the human mind occurs in the physical universe" describes the brain and its function using the cognitive model called ACT-R.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 2 items •
- How Can the Human Mind Occur in the Physical Universe - John Anderson • Samenvatting
- Judgment and Decision Making - Hardman • Samenvatting
Two summaries of books describing how the mind works. Whereas in "Judgement and decision making" the focus lies more on behavioral psychology, "How the human mind occurs in the physical universe" describes the brain and its function using the cognitive model called ACT-R.

Judgment and Decision Making - Hardman
How do people think and make judgments? Do we consider every aspect in the world or did humans learn some strategy to adopt. This books takes a theoretical coverage, including evolutionary, social psycological, and neurscientific perspectives.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 40 pagina's •
How do people think and make judgments? Do we consider every aspect in the world or did humans learn some strategy to adopt. This books takes a theoretical coverage, including evolutionary, social psycological, and neurscientific perspectives.

Human Factors in Simple and Complex Systems
Over the many years technological advancements have been substantial. Although a particular system seem superb, it is worthless when man cannot act upon it. This book summarizes human factors, and how to implement these when designing a system.
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 75 pagina's •
Over the many years technological advancements have been substantial. Although a particular system seem superb, it is worthless when man cannot act upon it. This book summarizes human factors, and how to implement these when designing a system.

How Can the Human Mind Occur in the Physical Universe - John Anderson
Newell: "We know that the world is governed by physics and how biology nestles withing that. The issue is, how will the mind do that as well?" A summary of different cognitive architectures that describe the mind at a certain level of abstraction.
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 39 pagina's •
Newell: "We know that the world is governed by physics and how biology nestles withing that. The issue is, how will the mind do that as well?" A summary of different cognitive architectures that describe the mind at a certain level of abstraction.
How Can the Human Mind Occur in the Physical Universe - John Anderson
Human Factors in Simple and Complex Systems
How Can the Human Mind Occur in the Physical Universe - John Anderson
How Can the Human Mind Occur in the Physical Universe - John Anderson
Human Factors in Simple and Complex Systems