BSc notes for Tuks students & Afrikaans Highschool notes
Hey there! I'm currently studying Biochemistry at the University of Pretoria. I'm selling my notes for BSc, which you should really check out if you're studying any BSc as the modules (especially 1st year) overlap. Also take a look at the textbooks connected to the summaries, as Tuks uses textbooks that are widely used across the world.
Check out my Afrikaans highschool summaries for math, science, biology, EBW, History, Afrikaans HL & English (CAPS curriculum).
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49 items
Grade 12 - chemical equilibrium and acids and bases summary - Impak - Doc Scientia textbook
Grade 12 - chemical equilibrium and acids and bases summary - Impak - Doc Scientia textbook. Handwritten theory notes.
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- • 2 items •
Grade 12 - chemical equilibrium and acids and bases summary - Impak - Doc Scientia textbook. Handwritten theory notes.
Chemical Equilibrium Grade 12 Summary CAPS/Impak curriculum
Summary of Chemical Equilibrium as taught in the CAPS/Impak curriculum to grade 12 students. Based on the Doc Scientia textbook.
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- Summary
- • 12 pages •
Summary of Chemical Equilibrium as taught in the CAPS/Impak curriculum to grade 12 students. Based on the Doc Scientia textbook.
Acids and Bases Grade 12 CAPS/ Impak curriculum
Summary of Acids and Bases as discussed in the CAPS/ Impak Curriculum in Grade 12.
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- Summary
- • 11 pages •
Summary of Acids and Bases as discussed in the CAPS/ Impak Curriculum in Grade 12. boek opsooming
Getikte opsomming van die voorgeskrewe boek vir graad 8 Huistaal, . Elke hoofstuk is in genoeg detail opgesom om 'n leerder toe te laat om vrae oor die boek, storielyn en karakters te beantwoord, maar kort genoeg om vinnig deur te lees ter voorbereiding vir n vraestel in pleks van die volle boek. Die opsomming bestaan uit 8 bladsye.
- Book
- Summary
- • 8 pages •
Getikte opsomming van die voorgeskrewe boek vir graad 8 Huistaal, . Elke hoofstuk is in genoeg detail opgesom om 'n leerder toe te laat om vrae oor die boek, storielyn en karakters te beantwoord, maar kort genoeg om vinnig deur te lees ter voorbereiding vir n vraestel in pleks van die volle boek. Die opsomming bestaan uit 8 bladsye.
Physical science
English summary for various concepts in Physical science. Highly recommended for Gr 12 students revising for exams.
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- • 3 items •
English summary for various concepts in Physical science. Highly recommended for Gr 12 students revising for exams.
Vector calculations and inter and intramolecular forces
The difference between intermolecular and intramolecular forces in molecules and the drawing and interpretation of vectors and the calculations involved.
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- Summary
- • 4 pages •
The difference between intermolecular and intramolecular forces in molecules and the drawing and interpretation of vectors and the calculations involved.
Summary of ideal gases and thermal properties and worked out problems for stoichiometry
This document is a summary of ideal gases and thermal properties, as well as stoichiometric calculations with examples. These show how to find emprirical and molecular formulas, doing stoichiometric calculations with gas laws, concentrations, amounts of product and reagents forming or reacting and percentage yield.
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- Summary
- • 12 pages •
This document is a summary of ideal gases and thermal properties, as well as stoichiometric calculations with examples. These show how to find emprirical and molecular formulas, doing stoichiometric calculations with gas laws, concentrations, amounts of product and reagents forming or reacting and percentage yield.
Chemical Equilibrium Grade 12
This summary covers the theme of Chemical Equilibrium in the grade 12 syllabus. The concept of chemical equilibrium is explained, as well as the calculations involved and the equilibrium constant, K. Application of equilibrium principles, namely Le Chatelier's Principle is explained and the factors that influence equilibrium are discussed with examples. Key reaction examples are explained along with the factors that can disturb each reaction's equilibrium. The drawing and interpretation of equ...
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- Summary
- • 8 pages •
This summary covers the theme of Chemical Equilibrium in the grade 12 syllabus. The concept of chemical equilibrium is explained, as well as the calculations involved and the equilibrium constant, K. Application of equilibrium principles, namely Le Chatelier's Principle is explained and the factors that influence equilibrium are discussed with examples. Key reaction examples are explained along with the factors that can disturb each reaction's equilibrium. The drawing and interpretation of equ...
Genetics, DNA, mitosis and meiosis grade 12
This is a summary of the genetics theme in the grade 12 CAPS syllabus. It includes various important definitions and concepts such as mutations, alleles and herdity concepts. It also explains and compares meiosis and mitosis and covers the structure and purpose of DNA and RNA, comparing the two.
- Summary
- • 13 pages •
This is a summary of the genetics theme in the grade 12 CAPS syllabus. It includes various important definitions and concepts such as mutations, alleles and herdity concepts. It also explains and compares meiosis and mitosis and covers the structure and purpose of DNA and RNA, comparing the two.
Fisiese wetenskappe Gr11 en 12
Graad 11 Chemie en Fisika, sowel as Graad 12 organiese chemie.
- Package deal
- • 3 items •
- Chemie Opsomming Graad 11 • Summary
- Fisika Opsomming Graad 11 • Summary
- Graad 12 Organiese Chemie opsomming • Summary
Graad 11 Chemie en Fisika, sowel as Graad 12 organiese chemie.
Chemical Equilibrium Grade 12
BOT161 part 1
Chemie Opsomming Graad 11
very dull, can't read
Translated by GoogleBOT161 mindmaps
BOT161 part 1