

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller papemouhametsene.


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12 items

Planning in the company

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After reading this chapter the student will be able to: Provide a definition of planning. Distinguish between strategic, medium-term and short-term planning. Explain the planning process. Distinguish between the different possible strategies. Explain the limitations of planning.

i x
  • Class notes
  •  • 5 pages • 
  • by papemouhametsene • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Organization in the company

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After reading this chapter the student will be able to: Define the concept of structure. Describe the three elements that characterize the structure of any business. Explain the factors that determine the adoption of a form of structure. Explain the different forms of structure.

i x
  • Class notes
  •  • 12 pages • 
  • by papemouhametsene • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Management and control in the company

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After reading this chapter the student will be able to: Identify the tasks of leadership. Explain the different styles of leadership Explain the concept of motivation. Distinguish between the different types of control.

i x
  • Class notes
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • by papemouhametsene • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Management and control in the company

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After reading this chapter the student will be able to: Identify the tasks of leadership. Explain the different styles of leadership Explain the concept of motivation. Distinguish between the different types of control.

i x
  • Class notes
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • by papemouhametsene • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Management and the manager

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After reading this chapter the student should be able to Give a description of the nature of management. Explain the management process. Describe the roles of the manager. Define the necessary skills of a manager.

i x
  • Class notes
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by papemouhametsene • 
  • uploaded  2022
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The main approaches in management

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At the end of this chapter the student should be able to: Explain the basic principles of the classical school, the school of human relations. Define the concept of contingency. Demonstrate the contributions of authors who have participated in the development of management thinking. Explain the criticisms addressed to each author.

i x
  • Class notes
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • by papemouhametsene • 
  • uploaded  2022
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The environment of the company

0x  sold

After reading this chapter the student should be able to: Distinguish between the different categories of environment. Explain the PESTEL model. Demonstrate how a company can control its relationship with its environment. Explain the characteristics of the current environment and structural trends.

i x
  • Class notes
  •  • 9 pages • 
  • by papemouhametsene • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Introduction to macroeconomics

0x  sold

Definition of macroeconomics Differences between microeconomics and macroeconomics Historical overview of the main macroeconomic problems

i x
  • Class notes
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by papemouhametsene • 
  • uploaded  2022
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