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Lecture notes AMPR - allocation and management of public resources
Aantekeningen van alle lectures van het vak 'allocation and management of public resources (AMPR)'. Dezse notes hebben mij geholpen bij het krijgen van een goed cijfer voor het tentamen (9.0). 
Notes of all the lectures of the course 'allocation and management of public resources (AMPR)'. These notes helped me to get a good grade for the last exam (9.0)
- Class notes
- • 46 pages •
Aantekeningen van alle lectures van het vak 'allocation and management of public resources (AMPR)'. Dezse notes hebben mij geholpen bij het krijgen van een goed cijfer voor het tentamen (9.0). 
Notes of all the lectures of the course 'allocation and management of public resources (AMPR)'. These notes helped me to get a good grade for the last exam (9.0)
lecture notes; Governance Networks in the Public Sector - network governance
Uitgebreide aantekeningen van de lectures van network governance / detailed notes of all lectures of network governance that helped me get a good grade (8.5)
- Book
- Class notes
- • 41 pages •
Uitgebreide aantekeningen van de lectures van network governance / detailed notes of all lectures of network governance that helped me get a good grade (8.5)
detailed lecture notes - bestuurskundig onderzoek / designing social research
Goede gedetailleerde lecture notes / detailed lecture notes designing social research. These lecture notes helped me to get a 8.0 on the exam.
- Book
- Class notes
- • 24 pages •
Goede gedetailleerde lecture notes / detailed lecture notes designing social research. These lecture notes helped me to get a 8.0 on the exam.
Lecture notes political science - Based on Comparative government and politics book
All notes from the book + the lectures political science. These notes helped me to get a good grade for my exam (final grade = 9,2), hope it can help you too:)
- Book
- Class notes
- • 50 pages •
All notes from the book + the lectures political science. These notes helped me to get a good grade for my exam (final grade = 9,2), hope it can help you too:)
Lecture notes political science - Based on Comparative government and politics book