Pneumonie - Studienführer, Klassennotizen & Zusammenfassungen
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ANCC TEST REVIEW ||261 questions with 100% correct answers.
- Prüfung • 42 Seiten • 2023
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 14,20 €
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A patient with type1 diabetes mellitus who is NPH and regular insulin split dosing present with complains of early morning rise finger-stick blood glucose. A review of an at-home glucose test reveals increased morning levels. After an increase in the evening insulin dose, the problem worsens. This is most likely an example of: 
a) Insulin Resistance 
b) Insulin Allergy 
c) The Somogyi Effect 
d) Hyperglycemia-induced hypoglycemia. 
a) The Somogyi Effect 
A 25-years-old present with a chief...
Complete samenvatting Ziekteleer MSc Medische Psychologie Tilburg University
- Prüfung • 6 Seiten • 2024
- 17,63 €
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Complete samenvatting Ziekteleer MSc Medische Psychologie 
Tilburg University 
wat is het voorkomen van niesziekte? - ANS-- acute infectie voorste 
- met name probleem bij groepshuisvesting 
- uitscheiding virus m.b.v. neus of conjunctivaal secreet 
- gegeneraliseerde inf = ook uitscheiding in urine 
- ook dragers scheiden uit 
infectieroute niesziekte - ANS-virus word uitgeniest -> zweeft niet 
door lucht want kat kan niet deze aerosolen maken -> neus binnen - 
> vermee...
AANP Review Questions and Answers 100% Pass
- Prüfung • 36 Seiten • 2024
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 13,22 €
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AANP Review Questions and Answers 100% Pass 
What are asthma triggers? - Answer- Smoking, dirty/dusty house, odors/sprays, furred 
or feathered pets, cover nose w/scarf on cold windy days, and avoid pollen/mold. 
Will you have a decreased PFT in welder's lung or pneumoconiosis? - Answer- No 
What is the treatment for acute bronchitis? - Answer- Supportive treatment (OTC pain 
meds, antitussives, mucolytics, hydration, expectorants, humidifier) 
Do you need to taper the dose of prednisone if onl...
AANP Review Questions and Answers 100% Pass
- Prüfung • 36 Seiten • 2024
- 13,22 €
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AANP Review Questions and Answers 100% Pass 
What are asthma triggers? - Answer- Smoking, dirty/dusty house, odors/sprays, furred 
or feathered pets, cover nose w/scarf on cold windy days, and avoid pollen/mold. 
Will you have a decreased PFT in welder's lung or pneumoconiosis? - Answer- No 
What is the treatment for acute bronchitis? - Answer- Supportive treatment (OTC pain 
meds, antitussives, mucolytics, hydration, expectorants, humidifier) 
Do you need to taper the dose of prednisone if onl...
NURSING MSN 571 - Quiz 2 Study Guide.| VERIFIED GUIDE
- Prüfung • 75 Seiten • 2024
- 16,16 €
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NURSING MSN 571 - Quiz 2 Study Guide.| VERIFIED GUIDE 
Review terminology: 
1.	Selective Toxicity: The ability of a drug to injure a target cell or target organism without injuring other cells or organisms that are in intimate contact with the target. Refers to the ability of an antibiotic to injure only invading microbes and avoiding injuring the host. 
2.	Culture and Sensitivity test: Is a test done when trying to treat for infection. Culture is to determine the bacter...
Möchtest du deine Ausgaben wieder reinholen?
AANP Review Questions and Answers 2023
- Prüfung • 27 Seiten • 2023
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 21,06 €
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AANP Review Questions and Answers 2023 
What are asthma triggers? 
Smoking, dirty/dusty house, odors/sprays, furred or feathered pets, cover nose w/scarf on cold windy days, and avoid pollen/mold. 
Will you have a decreased PFT in welder's lung or pneumoconiosis? 
What is the treatment for acute bronchitis? 
Supportive treatment (OTC pain meds, antitussives, mucolytics, hydration, expectorants, humidifier) 
Do you need to taper the dose of prednisone if only given 3-5 days...
Zusammenfassung Vitalfunktionen - Gesundheits-& Krankenpflege
- Zusammenfassung • 66 Seiten • 2021
- 4,29 €
- 3x verkauft
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Das ist ein ausführliches Dokument, dass den gesamten Bereich der Vitalfunktion Zusammenfasst. 
Zu Beginn die Grundlagen und später wird detailliert auf alle Punkte eingegangen. 
z.B.: RR, Puls, Temp., Pneumonie, Positionierung, Prophylaxe, Inhalation Therapie, Thrombose, Einschätzungen, ... vieles vieles mehr. Du kannst mich gerne Kontaktieren bei Fragen.
- Prüfung • 28 Seiten • 2024
- 12,24 €
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Whett cen be delegetted tto Essisttive personnel (EP)? - /ENSWER/- EDLs - betthing - 
grooming - dressing - embuletting - feeding (w/o swellow preceuttions) - posittioning - 
bed meking - specimen collecttion - I&O - VS (stteble clientts 
E nurse on e med surge unitt hes recieved chenge of shiftt reportt end will cere for 4 
clientts. Which of tthe following clientts needs will tthe nurse essign tto en EP? 
E. Feeding e clientt who wes e...
NURSING MSN 571 - Quiz 2 Study Guide.| VERIFIED GUIDE
- Prüfung • 75 Seiten • 2023
- 15,18 €
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NURSING MSN 571 - Quiz 2 Study Guide.| VERIFIED GUIDE 
Review terminology: 
1.	Selective Toxicity: The ability of a drug to injure a target cell or target organism without injuring other cells or organisms that are in intimate contact with the target. Refers to the ability of an antibiotic to injure only invading microbes and avoiding injuring the host. 
2.	Culture and Sensitivity test: Is a test done when trying to treat for infection. Culture is to determine the bacter...
AANP Review Exam 400 Questions with Answers ,100% CORRECT
- Prüfung • 36 Seiten • 2023
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 13,71 €
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AANP Review Exam 400 Questions with Answers 
What are asthma triggers? - CORRECT ANSWER Smoking, dirty/dusty house, odors/sprays, furred or feathered pets, cover nose w/scarf on cold windy days, and avoid pollen/mold. 
Will you have a decreased PFT in welder's lung or pneumoconiosis? - CORRECT ANSWER No 
What is the treatment for acute bronchitis? - CORRECT ANSWER Supportive treatment (OTC pain meds, antitussives, mucolytics, hydration, expectorants, humidifier) 
Do you need to taper t...
Wie viel hast du schon bei Stuvia ausgegeben? Stell dir vor, es gibt noch viele andere von deiner Sorte, die für Studienunterlagen bezahlen, aber diesmal bist DU der Verkäufer. Ka-ching! Entdecke alles über Verdienstmöglichkeiten auf Stuvia