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package deal for POSTMODERNISM 2023/2024 with 100% complete solutions

1 Exam (elaborations) 13. Postmodern Music question and answers graded A+ 2023/2024 2 Exam (elaborations) A Level Sociology Family Diversity (Postmodernism and family diversity) fully solved 2023/2024 3 Exam (elaborations) AP Art History 15- Postmodernism questions with verified solutions 2023/20...

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UTT Postmodernism questions with verified solutions 2023/2024


UTT PostmodernismPostmodernism - correct answer a skeptical worldview, founded as a reaction to modernism, which is suspicious of metanarratives and teaches that ultimate reality is inaccessible, knowledge is a social construct, and truth claims are political power players Correspondence Theory o...

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Unit Activity The Mid- to Late Twentieth Century Postmodernism fully solved graded A+ 2023/2024


Unit Activity The Mid- to Late Twentieth Century PostmodernismAllen Ginsberg - correct answer Irwin Allen Ginsberg was an American poet and writer. As a student at Columbia University in the 1940s, he began friendships with William S. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac, forming the core of the Beat Generat...

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Unit 09 Postmodernism questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


Unit 09 PostmodernismIn Postmodernism, what is prime reality--the really real? - correct answer Reality is socially constructed by those in power In Postmodernism, what is the nature of external reality, that is, the world around us? - correct answer Subject to social interpretation by those in p...

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Unit 5 (chapter 22) History of Graphic Design(questions well answered)2023/2024


Unit 5 (chapter 22) History of Graphic Design Postmodernism - correct answer By the 1970s, many believed the modern era was drawing to a close in art, design, politics, and literature. The social, economic, and environmental awareness of the period caused many to believe the modern aesthetic was no...

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Unit 2 The Rise of Postmodernism questions fully solved graded A+


Unit 2 The Rise of PostmodernismWhich event most likely influenced the creation of the science fiction genre? - correct answer the Industrial Revolution Match the vocabulary words as they are used in these sentences from Kurt Vonnegut's "The Barnhouse Effect" to their respective definitions. T...

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TOPIC 9- GLOBALISATION, MODERNITY AND POSTMODERNITY tmINTRO - correct answer most of the theories examined so far in this chapter can be placed under the heading of modernism. modernist theories are part of the enlightenment project- the idea that society can progress through the use of human reason...

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The Rise of Postmodernism question n answers graded A+


The Rise of PostmodernismHow do you think the rapid change in American society in the mid-twentieth century might have influenced the literature of that era? - correct answer The rapid change in American society in the mid-twentieth century was cause for awe and wonder, but it also created a sense o...

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The Birth of PostModernism Introduction 2023/2024 verified to pass


The Birth of PostModernism IntroductionThe people at the time of the Tower of Babel were proud of their ______ advances. - correct answer technological Modern society hoped to establish a heaven made on earth that was based on _____. - correct answer human reason The rise and fall of the Tower...

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Sociology Postmodernism questions & answers graded A+


Sociology PostmodernismPostmodernism - correct answer In traditional societies magic or religion were used to provide explanations for the social world. These beliefs were known as meta-narratives (or big stories) that offered people guidance and hope. In modern societies, science and rational thoug...

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Sociology 1101-Ch. 1 questions n answers rated A+ verified to pass


Sociology 1101-Ch. 1sociology - correct answer the study of human society sociological imagination - correct answer the ability to connect the most basic, intimate aspects of an individual's life to seemingly impersonal and remote historical forces social institution - correct answer a comple...

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Sociology - Postmodernism and Religion 2023/2024 already passed


Sociology - Postmodernism and ReligionOverview of postmodernism - correct answer emerged in the1960s challenged 'modernist' theories that tried to explain society as whole. Postmodernists differ from other social theories because they claim that society has undergone fundamental changes, where as ...

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Rise of Postmodernism questions and answers graded A+


Rise of PostmodernismPostmodernism - correct answer genre—a classification of literature characterized by particular content and form narrative—a story; narratives can be true or fictional paradox—a seemingly contradictory phrase or statement that, upon closer study, is actually true, fo...

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Pretest The Mid- to Late Twentieth Century Postmodernism 2023/2024 updated to pass


Pretest The Mid- to Late Twentieth Century Postmodernism Which influential work about the Vietnam War was written by Tim O'Brien? A. A Farewell to Arms B. The Red Badge of Courage C. The Things They Carried D. Catch-22 - correct answer Which influential work about the Vietnam War was written b...

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Postmodernist views of the family for AQA A-level Sociology 2023/2024 updated to pass


Postmodernist views of the family for AQA A-level Sociology What is the dominant family type according to Postmodernism? - correct answer There is no dominant family type according to Postmodernism due to there being more choice in relationships and therefore leading to more diverse family structur...

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Postmodernism questions with correct answers 2023/2024


PostmodernismThe starting point of postmodernism wisdom is____. a. found in proverbs denial of logic wledging the death of God is no wisdom in postmodernism - correct answer c The end of postmodern wisdom is____. denial of sin denial of logic wledging the death of god is no wisdom in...

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Postmodernism(questions well answered )2023/2024


Postmodernismtrue - correct answer t/f: a reaction to the evils of modernism true - correct answer t/f: views truth claims as political power plays social construct - correct answer what does postmodernism view truth as? false - correct answer t/f: ultimate knowledge is accessible. false...

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Postmodernism question well answered rated A+


Postmodernism define postmodernism - correct answer a style of aesthetic expression; body of critical theory about the nature of contemporary consumer society; began around 1950s; refers to certain values & sensibilities said to be revealed in diverse social and economic arenas; complex set of idea...

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postmodernism question & answers graded A+ 2023/2024


postmodernism Why is postmodernism hard to define - correct answer Because it is a concept that appears in a wide variety of disciplines or areas of study When does postmodernism begin? - correct answer It's not clear exactly when postmodernism begins Postmodernism seems to grow or emerge fr...

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Postmodernism(questions n answers)graded A+ 2023/2024


Postmodernism Features of modern society? - correct answer 1) The Nation State 2) Capitalism 3) Rationality, science and technology 4) Tradition, custom and ascribed status become less important as the basis for our actions. What are modernist theories a part of? - correct answer Modernist th...

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Postmodernism questions with 100% correct answers graded A+


PostmodernismPostmodernism historical background - correct answer Postmodernism: refers to changes in the social and economic conditions that help to produce these styles and ways of being a subject. Response to late capitalism (1960s). tied to shifts of the demise of the nation-state, dissolution o...

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Postmodernism questions and answers graded A+


Postmodernism3 key questions of postmodernism - correct answer Are we in a new era? Do we need new theories to understand it? Is objective knowledge still possible? Modern society - correct answer Nation state with powerful institutions. Capitalist organized by a state Fordist principle and m...

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Postmodernism questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024 passed


PostmodernismWhat are the common attributes of postmodernism? (3) - correct answer 1. Questioning the POSITION OF POWER in art 2. Questioning the CATEGORIZATION of works 3. REJECTING AN "ACCEPTED CANON" of work How did the postmodernists question the position of power in art? - correct answer...

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Post-Modernism questions and answers rated A+ 2023/2024 updated to pass


Post-Modernismwhat are the subjects of many post-modernism novels - correct answer anti-war and anti-government feelings stemming from WW2, the Korean War, and the Cold War Many of the changes in the world following WW2 (sometimes horrific) led to what in literature - correct answer the proud ass...

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Postmodernism questions & answers rated A+


PostmodernismModernism - correct answer A movement post WWI-WWII that sought to fill the void that the lost generation and the shattering of Enlightenment ideals created. Modernists were earnest as they tried to both create a new way of interpreting the world around them, make people feel better (no...

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Postmodernism questions fully solved graded A+


Postmodernism Postmodernism - correct answer aesthetic, cultural *metafiction* (narrative within narrative) *self-reflexivity* *blurring of boundaries* (no high & low culture) *sheer play and existential commitment* *pastiche* (Comic Mona Lisa) (pieces of art alluding to what came before, re...

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Postmodernism questions well answered rated A+ 2023/2024


PostmodernismWho developed the Postmodernism Theory? - correct answer Jean Baudrillard What does Baudrillard argue? - correct answer Media is no longer able to reflect reality, creating a Hyperreality as images can be manipulated. Define Simulacra - correct answer It's a plural word—the ...

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Postmodernism questions with 100% complete solutions 2023/2024


PostmodernismWhat is a metanarrative - correct answer big story e.g. science or religion What is modernism - correct answer During the 17th century, people began to abandon old religious ways of thinking and adopted a rational scientific mindset instead What caused metanarratives to collapse -...

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Postmodernism questions well answers graded A+ 2023/2024


PostmodernismPostmodernism - correct answer -is pessimistic regarding human progress since organizing principles (metanarratives) that bind a society together are not trustworthy -all claims to truth, no matter who makes them, must be questioned. This is required because cultural traditions and the...

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Postmodernism questions well answered rated A+


PostmodernismPremodernism - correct answer Dualistic approach, there is a natural and supernatural or extra-natural. All conclusions were theological. Creation was a result of God, because God created mankind, mankind must have a purpose. History followed an orderly pattern according to God's plan....

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Postmodernism questions well answered rated A+ 2023/2024


Postmodernism1. According to Postmodernism, the following affect how we see the world? - correct answer a. Culture b. Language c. Gender According to Postmodernism, truth is what? - correct answer Socially constructed 1. Which Postmodernist philosopher famously pronounced, "God is dead"? -...

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Postmodernism questions & answers rated A+ 2023/2024 passed


PostmodernismWhat do postmodernists say? - correct answer They say that in the past 20 years or so, some sociologists have identified trends & developments which they claim show that industrial modernity is fragmenting or dissolving. They argue that industrial modernity is being replaced by a pos...

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POSTMODERNISM, definition, general features fully solved rated A+ 2023/2024


POSTMODERNISM, definition, general featuresPostmodernism: the term - correct answer - like 'modernism' or 'realism', 'postmodernism' can be used a) as a period term, and b) as a term designating a certain trend in literature and other media a) period from the 1960s to around 2000, or, as some...

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Post-Modernism Vocabulary 2023/2024 already passed


Post-Modernism VocabularyModernism - correct answer The Modernist period is defined as the period during and after World War I, during which a perceptual void existed in human society and in order to fill this gap, literary greats such as Picasso began to use art, literature, and music as a manner i...

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Postmodernism Test question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


Postmodernism Test Premodern- - correct answer > to 1600 AD Revelation is the foundation Modern- - correct answer 1600 to 1960 AD Science comes to forefront Postmodern- - correct answer 1960 to ? Experience is most important John Stonestreet speaks of the Wexner Center of Performing Art...

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Postmodernism TEST questions and answers rated A+


Postmodernism TESTWhat was the problem for the West as it sought to escape Nihilism? - correct answer its nothingness What is Postmodernism an extension of? - correct answer modern thinking What happened to humanity's frame of reference when God died? - correct answer It became meaningless ...

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Postmodernism Test fully solved graded A+2023/2024


Postmodernism TestPostmodernism is a skeptical worldview founded as a reaction to - correct answer Modernism What Postmodernism is suspicious of - correct answer Metanarratives Postmodernism teaches that ultimate reality is - correct answer Inaccessible According to Postmodernism, what is a...

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Postmodernism Sociology questions with correct answers rated A+


Postmodernism SociologyWhat was the cause of postmodernist theory coming about? - correct answer It is a reaction to modernism What is modernism? - correct answer The period of industrialization and urbanization that began with the Industrial Revolution What is a meta narrative? - correct answ...

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Postmodernism Quiz fully solved graded A+ 2023/2024


Postmodernism QuizWhat is postmodernism? - correct answer a reaction to modernism What are the 4 characteristics of postmodernism? - correct answer 1. rejection of meta narratives 2. subjective view of truth 3. deconstruction of literature mism about future What are the positives of postmod...

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Postmodernism Listening Quiz with answers rated A+


Postmodernism Listening Quiz1:49 - correct answer Composer: Leonard Bernstein Title: "Mambo" West Side Story Genre: American musical theater 3:41 - correct answer Composer: Leonard Bernstein Title: "Tonight Quintet" from West Side Story Genre: American musical theater 3:03 - correct an...

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Postmodernism in Literature question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


Postmodernism in LiteratureIrony, black humor, playfulness - correct answer Treat serious subjects in a playful and humorous way, often as commentary (ex: insensitivity about man squashed in elevator, page 9) Techno culture and Hyperreality - correct answer Simulations have replaced the real; oft...

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POSTMODERNISM IN ANTHROPOLOGY question n answers graded A+


POSTMODERNISM IN ANTHROPOLOGYTime period - correct answer Late 20th century concept in the arts Postmodernism - correct answer Criticizes and represents a departure from modernism Modernism - correct answer -General distrust of grand theories and a problematic relationship with art -Often con...

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Postmodernism - ownership and control question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


Postmodernism - ownership and control postmodernism - correct answer Postmodern society is a media-saturated society - the media is so intrinsically a part of people's lives that it shapes the way they live. Postmodern societies are underpinned by globalisation.This breaks down geographical bounda...

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Postmodernism - Jean Baudrillard questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024 already passed


Postmodernism - Jean BaudrillardDescribe Baudrillard’s postmodernist theory. - correct answer In postmodern culture, the boundaries between the 'real' world and the world of the media have collapsed and it is no longer possible to distinguish between reality and simulation. In a postmodern age o...

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Postmodern questions n answers 2023/2024 passed


PostmodernPostmodernism - correct answer The state, condition, or period subsequent to that which is modern; spec. in architecture, the arts, literature, politics, etc., any of various styles, concepts, or points of view involving a conscious departure from modernism, esp. when characterized by a re...

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Postmodern Therapy question well answered 2023/2024


Postmodern Therapysocial constructionism - correct answer Is a psychological expression of this postmodern worldview; it values the client's reality without disputing whether it is accurate or rational. Our knowledge about realities is: - correct answer Socially constructed. Ie - a person is...

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Postmodern theory questions with 100% correct answers


Postmodern theoryPost modern theory - correct answer State of society beyond the modeen era. Postmoderism - correct answer New and different cultural forms in music, movies and art pastiche - correct answer Postmodern combines many different elements together Postmodern expresses: - correct...

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Postmodern Approaches questions n answers rated A+ 2023/2024


Postmodern ApproachesIdentify how the postmodern approaches differ from the modernist approaches. - correct answer Modernists believe in the ability to describe objective reality accurately and assume that it can be observed and systematically known through the scientific method. They further believ...

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Post Modernism in Music. questions with 100% correct answers 2023/2024


Post Modernism in Music.Characterize the idea of post-modernism. - correct answer This period of music comes after Modernism, basically post WWII so after 1945. It is the philosophical idea that spreads throughout music and art which entails the deconstruction of the categories that were set up befo...

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omnibus 3 secondary postmodern times(fully solved)2023/2024


omnibus 3 secondary postmodern timesWhat unbiblical tenet of modernism is rejected by postmodernism? - correct answer Postmodernism rejects the idea that reason alone can lead man to truth. What is the main teaching of postmodernism? - correct answer There is no objective truth. What is the po...

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Modernism vs. Postmodernism questions & answers graded A+ 2023/2024


Modernism vs. PostmodernismBricolage - correct answer construction or something constructed by using whatever materials happen to be available. Pastiche - correct answer a work of art that imitates the style of some previous work Appropriation - correct answer to the use of borrowed elements i...

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Modernism and Postmodernism Film Final 2023/2024 verified to pass


Modernism and Postmodernism Film Finalmodernism - correct answer an aesthetic response to the modernity historical era; cinema as art, director as artist (personal style significant) traits of modernist cinema - correct answer form over function, abstraction, reflexivity, nontraditional narrative...

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Modern Postmodern Era 2023/2024 passed


Modern Postmodern EraWhen does modernism and postmodernism begin and end - correct answer Modernism: Postmodernism: 1945- Present 6 major events in WWI - correct answer 1.Germany invades Belgium 2. Britain and France join forces to help stop the aggression 3. Use of poisonous gasses, artille...

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InQuizitive Ch. 1- Sociology 1010 questions with 100% correct answers 2023/2024


InQuizitive Ch. 1- Sociology 1010 What is the central message of postmodernism? a. rejection of the idea of a single, shared understanding of history and society b. rejection of the claim that modern technology threatens to do humanity more harm than good c. rejection of modern values and method...

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IHUM Chapter 40 Postmodernism 2023/2024 questions fully solved


IHUM Chapter 40 PostmodernismDefine what characterizes postmodern architecture. - correct answer adapting diverse aesthetics which gives emphasis on unique forms Whimsical celebrations of shapes Eclectic styles, incorporating many different styles into one building (anything but pure) Contradicto...

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Humanities Exam 6 questions with 100% correct answers


Humanities Exam 6In Western culture, which one of the following describes the tendencies of Modernism? - correct answer rejection of traditional conventions Postmodernism disdained: - correct answer concern with purity of form Violent distortion and outrageous coloring marked the work of: - co...

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Gardner's ART THROUGH THE AGES 15th EDITION Ch. 30 Modernism and Postmodernism on Europe and America, 1945 to /2024


Gardner's ART THROUGH THE AGES 15th EDITION Ch. 30 Modernism and Postmodernism on Europe and America, 1945 to 1980 Postmodernism - correct answer A reaction against modernist formalism, seen as elitist. Far more encompassing and accepting than the more rigid confines of modernist practice, postmod...

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Exam 3 questions and answers rated A+ 2023/2024 already passed


Exam 3approximately which year did the Postmodern ear begin? - correct answer Later 20th century Which of the following statements best characterizes postmodernism? - correct answer Truth is relative Which of the following statements best characterizes postmodernism? - correct answer Art is be...

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English Unit 4 Contemporary Postmodernism 2023/2024 updated to pass


English Unit 4 Contemporary PostmodernismJustine *sell* her old camera and bought a new one. - correct answer sold Until this morning, they *kept* the secret to themselves. - correct answer no error The United States has *lead* the field in the development of computers. - correct answer led ...

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Chapter 7 World Views Postmodernism questions well answered rated A+ 2023/2024


Chapter 7 World Views PostmodernismPostmodernism? - correct answer Skeptical worldview founded as a reaction to modernism Postmodernism is a reaction to what? - correct answer Evils of modernism Postmodernism believes that truth claims are what? - correct answer Power claims What is social ...

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Chapter 7 - Postmodernism questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024 passed


Chapter 7 - Postmodernismtruth - correct answer Postmodernism declares that _____ is whatever you define it as. postmodernism - correct answer A skeptical worldview, founded as a reaction to modernism, that is suspicious of metanarratives and teaches that ultimate reality is inaccessible, knowled...

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Bible - Postmodernism(questions & answers)graded A+ 2023/2024


Bible - PostmodernismCan you summarize the postmodern worldview in a few words (5) - correct answer -a reaction to the evils of modernism -views truth claims as political power plays -views truth is a social construct -ultimate knowledge is inaccessible -suspicious of metanarratives If "Pos...

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Arts- Postmodernism Art questions with 100% correct answers rated A+ 2023/2024


Arts- Postmodernism Art Abstract Expressionism - correct answer art movement that is characterized as ''non-representative'' United States - correct answer Where the ''non-representative'' art movement began Action Painting and Color-field Painting - correct answer Two distinct styles...

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AP Art History 15- Postmodernism questions with verified solutions 2023/2024


AP Art History 15- Postmodernism performance art - correct answer an American avant-garde art trend of the 1960's that made time an integral element of art happenings - correct answer a term coined by American artist Allan Kaprow in the 1960's to describe loosely structured performances, whose...

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A Level Sociology Family Diversity (Postmodernism and family diversity) fully solved 2023/2024


A Level Sociology Family Diversity (Postmodernism and family diversity)A Level Sociology: Family Diversity: (Postmodernism and family diversity): As we have seen, modernist perspectives such as functionalism emphasize the dominance of one family type in modern society, namely the nuclear family. - c...

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