On Stuvia you will find summaries, practice questions and other study documents for all subjects. Find all the summaries you need by looking for your subject.
You can also search for study books on Stuvia. Use your textbook as a starting point to find the best summaries, practice exams or notes.
Do you need summaries or notes to study for a specific qualification? On Stuvia you'll find all kinds of documents that make studying for qualifications easier.
Tens of thousands of people are searching for notes on Stuvia every day. Including yours! Some documents even sell hundreds of times.
Each time your document is sold, you earn money. This money is immediately credited to your account.
In less than a minute, you have created an account, set the price of your document and started selling!
These are the notes and summaries that are most recently published by sellers on Stuvia.
Exam (elaborations) eecs 1028 (eecs1028) Exam (elaborations)
Comprehensive mind map facilitating in-depth understanding and critical analysis of methodological approaches for evaluating the effects of extracellular vesicles on immune cells Class notes
Description of the area and its relationship with other areas. Other
Rock cycle notes Class notes
Summary - biology plants Summary
Exam (elaborations) eecs 1028 (eecs1028) Exam (elaborations)
Comprehensive mind map facilitating in-depth understanding and critical analysis of methodological approaches for evaluating the effects of extracellular vesicles on immune cells Class notes
Description of the area and its relationship with other areas. Other
Rock cycle notes Class notes
Summary - biology plants Summary
Hundred thousands of people are searching for your content every day. You can easily upload your summaries to our platform and start earning money from your study notes. Your knowledge is worth money! Over 700,000 top sellers have already joined and are making money from their knowledge daily. Sign up for free today and start earning while helping others!
I think Stuvia is amazing! As a summary-seller, I think Stuvia provides me with great incentives to make my summaries the best possible, and it's also a way to earn some extra money and survive the broke student life!
This is a great platform to earn a little extra income on previously completed work and being able to help guide someone through what you have completed - and in return it is great to get help myself on certain courses! Very efficient site.
You and your team were a great help to those students/individuals to strive more and share their knowledge and at the same time will have a part time income. I'll be sharing this with my friends!
I think this platform is very useful to students since we can share our study material with other students and still earn some money. Best website by far to be honest
I love that through Stuvia even as a student, I can not only help my fellow mates, but can also make some money off of summaries that I work a lot making. It has helped me do better summaries and motivated me to keep doing them!
Stuvia is an amazing platform for students to obtain an extra income, it's easy and accessible, very user friendly. I would like to thank the designers and.
I believe that Stuvia is a great opportunity for those to feel appreciated when people are purchasing their documents! Stuvia allows a young person to develop a great sense of entrepreneurship.
Stuvia is a great way for students and teachers alike to receive materials to help with their respective studies. Personally, it has achieve myself exceeding good grades in the courses I have done so far.
Stuvia provides an incredible way to earn passively. It is user friendly and it has helped me to ace in my exams as well as provided me with an income.
Great to earn some extra money with old summaries. I always put a lot of energy in them and I hate to see them go to waste after a course has been completed.
I have been so happy with all areas of stuvia! Be it to get materials to study, or to post my own to make a bit of money as a student! It’s such a great platform
Stuvia is a wonderful place for hardworking students to help those who are in need. This could be either with study materials, tests, or worksheets. It's easy to use and even easier to get what you need to succeed.
Best platform for students to share knowledge and make money like investors. Uploading my notes makes me enough cash for miscellaneous expenses and travel!
I think Stuvia is a great way to share your work and help others, while also earning a little money for your efforts. I believe its a very useful tool
Best site to make money and at the same time get any study resource you need. I recommend it fully. It's genuine site with all you require as a student in terms of studying.
Sooo happy with Stuvia!! It really helps me if i don't have any time to make a recap and earning a little bit extra with making recaps really helps studying!
Ik ben super blij met Stuvia! Het is een gemakkelijke manier om bij te verdienen tijdens je studie. Je harde samenvat-werk wordt beloond, en je helpt er ook nog eens anderen mee :)
On stuvia you will find the most extensive lecture summaries written by your fellow students and at the same time earn by sharing your documents.Thats AMAZING !
A very efficient,reliable and convenient site in uploading of documents.a great study resource for students and swift payer of earnings.i would recommend everyone that if you try stuvia,you will never go starving.
I think Stuvia is magnificent! I am especially very impressed with the way the staff handle queries. They are very polite and patient. Stuvia offers me an opportunity to sell my notes - something that publishers will not do!
Stuvia is the best platform to sell study materials. This is the best decision i ever made to sell my study resources on stuvia to earn extra money. The platform is reliable and efficient. The services are excellent. Thanks Stuvia.
I think Stuvia is amazing! As a summary-seller, I think Stuvia provides me with great incentives to make my summaries the best possible, and it's also a way to earn some extra money and survive the broke student life!
This is a great platform to earn a little extra income on previously completed work and being able to help guide someone through what you have completed - and in return it is great to get help myself on certain courses! Very efficient site.
You and your team were a great help to those students/individuals to strive more and share their knowledge and at the same time will have a part time income. I'll be sharing this with my friends!
I think this platform is very useful to students since we can share our study material with other students and still earn some money. Best website by far to be honest
I love that through Stuvia even as a student, I can not only help my fellow mates, but can also make some money off of summaries that I work a lot making. It has helped me do better summaries and motivated me to keep doing them!
Stuvia is an amazing platform for students to obtain an extra income, it's easy and accessible, very user friendly. I would like to thank the designers and.
I believe that Stuvia is a great opportunity for those to feel appreciated when people are purchasing their documents! Stuvia allows a young person to develop a great sense of entrepreneurship.
Stuvia is a great way for students and teachers alike to receive materials to help with their respective studies. Personally, it has achieve myself exceeding good grades in the courses I have done so far.
Stuvia provides an incredible way to earn passively. It is user friendly and it has helped me to ace in my exams as well as provided me with an income.
Great to earn some extra money with old summaries. I always put a lot of energy in them and I hate to see them go to waste after a course has been completed.
I have been so happy with all areas of stuvia! Be it to get materials to study, or to post my own to make a bit of money as a student! It’s such a great platform
Stuvia is a wonderful place for hardworking students to help those who are in need. This could be either with study materials, tests, or worksheets. It's easy to use and even easier to get what you need to succeed.
Best platform for students to share knowledge and make money like investors. Uploading my notes makes me enough cash for miscellaneous expenses and travel!
I think Stuvia is a great way to share your work and help others, while also earning a little money for your efforts. I believe its a very useful tool
Best site to make money and at the same time get any study resource you need. I recommend it fully. It's genuine site with all you require as a student in terms of studying.
Sooo happy with Stuvia!! It really helps me if i don't have any time to make a recap and earning a little bit extra with making recaps really helps studying!
Ik ben super blij met Stuvia! Het is een gemakkelijke manier om bij te verdienen tijdens je studie. Je harde samenvat-werk wordt beloond, en je helpt er ook nog eens anderen mee :)
On stuvia you will find the most extensive lecture summaries written by your fellow students and at the same time earn by sharing your documents.Thats AMAZING !
A very efficient,reliable and convenient site in uploading of documents.a great study resource for students and swift payer of earnings.i would recommend everyone that if you try stuvia,you will never go starving.
I think Stuvia is magnificent! I am especially very impressed with the way the staff handle queries. They are very polite and patient. Stuvia offers me an opportunity to sell my notes - something that publishers will not do!
Stuvia is the best platform to sell study materials. This is the best decision i ever made to sell my study resources on stuvia to earn extra money. The platform is reliable and efficient. The services are excellent. Thanks Stuvia.
I think Stuvia is amazing! As a summary-seller, I think Stuvia provides me with great incentives to make my summaries the best possible, and it's also a way to earn some extra money and survive the broke student life!