Community Guidelines
On this page, our Community Guidelines on how to use Stuvia are presented. You can use the navigation on the right to read one of the articles or you can scroll down and click on the articles you're most interested in.
When someone does not follow these guidelines, Stuvia will have the right to issue warnings or sanctions.
Navigation Community Guidelines
Violating copyrights
It is only allowed to sell documents on Stuvia of which you own the copyright. While uploading documents to Stuvia, every seller declares that he/she owns the copyright of that document and therefore does not plagiarize. Violation of copyright law or plagiarizing yourself is prohibited on Stuvia. In the Copyright Checklist you can read more about do’s and don’ts. In our Notice & Takedown procedure you can read about the possible consequences of violating copyright and committing plagiarism.
You are not allowed to infringe copyright or plagiarize, which includes, but is not limited to uploading:
- Whole PDF's of books, copied college slides or other work of professors/teachers;
- Documents that contain logo's, images, tables or graphs of third parties.
Violation of privacy and personal data
It is not allowed to process privacy sensitive data and/or personal data of third parties in your documents. This entails, but is not limited to, reports and files that contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as names, addresses, date of births, etcetera. The violation of third party privacy can result in the removal of your document(s) from our platform.
(Re)selling documents
It is only allowed to sell document on Stuvia of which you own the copyright. Therefore, it is prohibited to sell documents of others on our platform. That included, but is not limited to:
- Selling documents of others on Stuvia;
- Selling documents on Stuvia that have been purchased from outside our platform (this also includes for example selling documents that link to third party websites);
- Selling documents that have been acquired on other platforms of for example competitors of Stuvia;
- Selling documents from your educational institution or another official third party.
Sharing personal information on Stuvia
It is prohibited to share personal information on Stuvia. This means, but is not limited to, sharing phone numbers, email addresses or social media usernames with the goal of buying or selling documents outside of Stuvia. This entails all activities that are being considered as 'commercial gain' for an individual outside of Stuvia.
Creating multiple accounts
It is prohibited to create more than one Stuvia account with the purpose of affecting our business in a negative way. This includes, but is not limited to purchasing your own documents with your own account(s), offering the same document with more than one account and/or abusing the review system on Stuvia.
Abusing messaging centre
It is prohibited to abuse the message centre of Stuvia. This includes, but is not limited to offering commercial services to others, sharing personal information such as phone numbers, social media accounts and/or e-mailaddresses to cause a disadvantage for Stuvia, (undesirably) offering images or other material of a violent or sexual nature.
Distributing document that are purchased on Stuvia
The document you purchase on Stuvia can only be used by you. It is prohibited to distribute document(s) to others. After purchasing a document on Stuvia, you will receive a document with a Stuvia watermark that contains your Stuvia username. You are the only person who is allowed to own and use that document.
Using documents from Stuvia
Documents that are purchased on Stuvia can only serve as an aid for your studies. Therefore, it is prohibited to copy or use information from a purchased document in your own work or even submit whole documents (that have been purchased on Stuvia) as your own. This will be seen as plagiarism and can have consequences for your study.