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Lilley's Pharmacology for Canadian Health Care Practice 4th Edition by Kara Sealock, Cydnee Seneviratne Test Bank CA$26.71
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Lilley's Pharmacology for Canadian Health Care Practice 4th Edition by Kara Sealock, Cydnee Seneviratne Test Bank

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Lilley's Pharmacology for Canadian Health Care Practice 4th Edition by Kara Sealock, Cydnee Seneviratne Test Bank

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  • December 20, 2024
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  • Lilley's Pharmacology
  • Lilley's Pharmacology
Lilleys Pharmacology for Canadian Health Care Practice 4th
fr fr fr fr fr fr fr

Edition Sealock Test Bank
fr fr fr fr

Professionhood and the Knowledge of Nursing I (Seneca College)
fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr

Studocu fris frnot frsponsored fror frendorsed frby frany frcollege fror fruniversity
Downloaded frby frAliah frHerrera fr(aliahgayleherrera@gmail.com)

,Chapter 01: Nursing Practice in Canada and Drug Therapy
fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr

Sealock: Lilley’s Pharmacology for Canadian Health Care Practice, 4th Edition
fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr


1. Which fris fra frjudgement frabout fra frparticular frpatient‘s frpotential frneed fror frproblem?
a. A frgoal
b. An frassessment
c. Subjective frdata
d. A frnursing frdiagnosis
ANS: f r D
Nursing frdiagnosis fris frthe frphase frof frthe frnursing frprocess frduring frwhich fra frclinical frjudgement fris frmade fra
frresponds frto frheath frconditions fr and frlife frprocesses fror frvulnerability frfor frthat frresponse.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frKnowledge

2. The frpatient fris frto frreceive froral frfurosemide fr(Lasix) frevery frday; frhowever, frbecause frthe frpatient fris frunable
fr cannot frtake frmedication frorally, fras frordered. frThe frnurse frneeds frto frcontact frthe frphysician. frWhat frtype frof
a. A fr―right frtime‖ frproblem
b. A fr―right frdose‖ frproblem
c. A fr―right frroute‖ frproblem
d. A fr―right frmedication‖ frproblem
ANS: f r C
This fris fra fr―right frroute‖ frproblem: frthe frnurse frcannot frassume frthe frroute frand frmust frclarify frthe frroute frwith
fr―right frtime‖ frproblem frbecause frthe frordered frfrequency frhas frnot frchanged. frThis fris frnot fra fr―right frdose‖ frp

frnot frrelated frto fran frinability frto frswallow. frThis fris frnot fra fr―right frmedication‖ frproblem frbecause frthe frm

frchange, frjust frthe frroute.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frApplication

3. The frnurse frhas frbeen frmonitoring frthe frpatient‘s frprogress fron frhis frnew frdrug frregimen frsince frthe frfirst frdose f
signs frof frpossible fradverse freffects. frWhat frnursing frprocess frphase fris frthe frnurse frpractising?

a. Planning
b. Evaluation
c. Implementation
d. Nursing frdiagnosis
ANS: f r B
Monitoring frthe frpatient‘s frprogress fris frpart frof frthe frevaluation frphase. frPlanning, frimplementation, frand frnu
frillustrated frby frthis frexample.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frApplication

4. The frnurse fris frcaring frfor fra frpatient frwho frhas frbeen frnewly frdiagnosed frwith frtype fr1 frdiabetes frmellitus. frWhi
illustrates fran froutcome frcriterion frfor frthis frpatient?

a. The frpatient frwill frfollow frinstructions.
b. The frpatient frwill frnot frexperience frcomplications.
c. The frpatient fradheres frto frthe frnew frinsulin frtreatment frregimen.
d. The frpatient frdemonstrates frsafe frinsulin frself-administration frtechnique.
ANS: f r D
Having frthe frpatient frdemonstrate frsafe frinsulin frself-administration frtechnique fris fra frspecific frand frmeasurab
frFollowing frinstructions frand fravoiding frcomplications frare frnot frspecific frcriteria. frAdherence frto frthe frnew

fris frnot f r objective frand frwould frbe frdifficult frto frmeasure.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frApplication

, 6. The frnurse fris frworking frduring fra frvery frbusy frnight frshift, frand frthe frhealth frcare frprovider frhas frjust frgiven frthe
order frover frthe frtelephone, frbut frthe frnurse frdoes frnot frrecall frthe frroute. frWhat fris frthe frbest frway frfor frthe frnu


a. Recopy frthe frorder frneatly fron frthe frorder frsheet, frwith frthe frmost frcommon frroute frindicated
b. Consult frwith frthe frpharmacist frfor frclarification frabout frthe frmost frcommon frroute
c. Call frthe frhealth frcare frprovider frto frclarify frthe frroute frof fradministration
d. Withhold frthe frdrug fruntil frthe frhealth frcare frprovider frvisits frthe frpatient
ANS: f r C
If fra frmedication frorder frdoes frnot frinclude frthe frroute, frthe frnurse frmust frask frthe frhealth frcare frprovider frto frcla
frroute frof fradministration.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frApplication fr| frCognitive frLevel: frAnalysis

7. Which frconstitutes frthe frtraditional frFive frRights frof frmedication fradministration?
a. Right frdrug, frright frroute, frright frdose, frright frtime, frand frright frpatient
b. Right frdrug, frthe frright freffect, frthe frright frroute, frthe frright frtime, frand frthe frright frpatient
c. Right frpatient, frright frstrength, frright frdiagnosis, frright frdrug, frand frright frroute
d. Right frpatient, frright frdiagnosis, frright frdrug, frright frroute, frand frright frtime
ANS: f r A
The frtraditional frFive frRights frof frmedication fradministration frwere frconsidered frto frbe frRight frdrug, frRight frro
frand frRight frpatient. frRight freffect, frright frstrength, frand frright frdiagnosis frare frnot frpart frof frthe frtraditional fr Fi

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frComprehension

8. What frcorrectly frdescribes frthe frnursing frprocess?
a. Diagnosing, frplanning, frassessing, frimplementing, frand frfinally frevaluating
b. Assessing, frthen frdiagnosing, frimplementing, frand frending frwith frevaluating
c. A frlinear frdirection frthat frbegins frwith frassessing frand frcontinues frthrough
frdiagnosing, frplanning, frand frfinally frimplementing
d. An frongoing frprocess frthat frbegins frwith frassessing frand frcontinues frwith
frdiagnosing, frplanning, frimplementing, frand frevaluating

ANS: f r D
The frnursing frprocess fris fran frongoing, frflexible, fradaptable, frand fradjustable frfive-step frprocess frthat frbegins fr
frthrough frdiagnosing, frplanning, frimplementing, frand frfinally frevaluating, frwhich frmay frthen frlead frback frto f

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frApplication

9. When frthe frnurse fris frconsidering frthe frtiming frof fra frdrug frdose, frwhich fris frmost frimportant frto frassess?
a. The frpatient‘s fridentification
b. The frpatient‘s frweight
c. The frpatient‘s frlast frmeal
d. Any frdrug fror frfood frallergies
ANS: f r C
The frpharmacokinetic frand frpharmacodynamic frproperties frof frthe frdrug frneed frto frbe frassessed frwith frregard
fror frcompatibility frissues. frThe frpatient‘s fridentification, frweight, frand frdrug fror frfood frallergies frare frnot fraffe

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frApplication

10. The frnurse fris frwriting frnursing frdiagnoses frfor fra frplan frof frcare. frWhich frreflects frthe frcorrect frformat frfor frhe
a. Anxiety
b. Anxiety frrelated frto frnew frdrug frtherapy
c. Anxiety frrelated frto franxious frfeelings frabout frdrug frtherapy, fras frevidenced
frby frstatements frsuch fras fr―I‘m frupset frabout frhaving frto frgive frmyself

d. Anxiety frrelated frto frnew frdrug frtherapy, fras frevidenced frby frstatements frsuch fras
fr―I‘m frupset frabout frhaving fr to frgive frmyself frshots‖

, Chapter 02: Pharmacological Principles
fr fr fr

Sealock: Lilley’s Pharmacology for Canadian Health Care Practice, 4th Edition
fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr


1. A frpatient fris frreceiving frtwo frdifferent frdrugs, frwhich, frat frtheir frcurrent frdose frforms frand frdosages, frare frboth
circulation frin fridentical framounts. frWhich frterm frbest frdenotes frthat frthe frdrugs frhave frthe frsame frabsorption

a. Equivalent
b. Synergistic
c. Compatible
d. Bioequivalent
ANS: f r D
Two frdrugs frabsorbed frinto frthe frcirculation frat frthe frsame framount fr(in frspecific frdosage frforms) frhave frthe frsa
frthey frare frbioequivalent. fr―Equivalent‖ fris frincorrect frbecause frthe frterm fr―bioavailability‖ fris frused frto frexpr

frabsorption. fr―Synergistic‖ fris frincorrect frbecause frthis frterm frrefers frto frtwo frdrugs frgiven frtogether frwhose fr

frthan frthe frsum frof frthe freffects frof freach frdrug frgiven fralone. fr―Compatible‖ fris frincorrect frbecause frthis frterm

frindicate frthat frtwo frsubstances frdo frnot frhave fra frchemical frreaction frwhen frmixed fr(or frgiven, frin frthe frcase fro

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frComprehension

2. A frpatient fris frreceiving frmedication frvia frintravenous frinjection. frWhich frinformation frshould frthe frnurse frpr
a. The frmedication frwill frcause frfewer fradverse freffects frwhen frgiven frintravenously.
b. The frmedication frwill frbe frabsorbed frslowly frinto frthe frtissues frover frtime.
c. The frmedication‘s fraction frwill frbegin frfaster frwhen frgiven frintravenously.
d. Most frof frthe frdrug fris frinactivated frby frthe frliver frbefore frit frreaches frthe frtarget frarea.
ANS: f r C
Intravenous frinjections frare frthe frfastest frroute frof frabsorption. frThe frintravenous frroute frdoes frnot fraffect frthe f
frthe frintravenous frroute fris frnot fra frslow frroute frof frabsorption, frand frthe frintravenous frroute frdoes frnot frcause fr

frthe frliver frbefore frit frreaches frthe frtarget frarea.

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frComprehension

3. Which fris frtrue frregarding frparenteral frdrugs?
a. They frbypass frthe frfirst-pass freffect.
b. They frdecrease frblood frflow frto frthe frstomach.
c. They frare fraltered frby frthe frpresence frof frfood frin frthe frstomach.
d. They frexert frtheir freffects frwhile frcirculating frin frthe frbloodstream.
ANS: f r A
Drugs frgiven frby frthe frparenteral frroute frbypass frthe frfirst-pass freffect, frbut frthey frstill frmust frbe frabsorbed frinto
frthey frcan frexert frtheir freffects. frEnteral frdrugs fr(drugs frtaken frorally), frnot frparenteral frdrugs, frdecrease frbloo

frare fraltered frby f r the frpresence fr of frfood frin frthe frstomach. frParenteral frdrugs frmust frbe frabsorbed frinto frcells

frcirculation frbefore frthey frcan frexert frtheir freffects; frthey frdo frnot frexert frtheir freffects frwhile frcirculating frin frt

DIF: Cognitive frLevel: frAnalysis

4. A frdrug‘s frhalf-life fris frbest frdefined fras
a. The frtime frit frtakes frfor frthe frdrug frto frelicit frhalf frits frtherapeutic frresponse.
b. The frtime frit frtakes frone-half frof frthe froriginal framount frof fra frdrug frto frreach frthe
frtarget frcells.
c. The frtime frit frtakes frone-half frof frthe froriginal framount frof fra frdrug frto frbe frremoved frfrom
frthe frbody.

d. The frtime frit frtakes frone-half frof frthe froriginal framount frof fra frdrug frto frbe frabsorbed frinto
frthe frcirculation.

ANS: f r C
A frdrug‘s frhalf-life fris frthe frtime frit frtakes frfor frone-half frof frthe froriginal framount frof fra frdrug frto frbe frremoved frf

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