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Grade 11 Quadratics
- Presentation • 39 pages • 2021
- CA$8.11
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This PowerPoint simply summarizes a whole grade 11 Chapter on Quadratics with key points and plenty of examples to help ace your next test!
Grade 11 Functions Math Course (IB): All notes from 6 units
- Package deal • 6 items • 2020
- CA$52.40
- 1x sold
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This is a bundle of 67 pages, including all the exam notes I created that cover every topic from every unit studied in this course. The units included are: Rational Expressions, Exponential Functions, Quadratic Functions, Functions, Trigonometry, Series and Sequences. You can buy each unit's summary notes separately on its own, or as a bundle.
Grade 11 Functions exam summary notes, IB MATH: Exponential Functions unit
- Class notes • 7 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- CA$15.49
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This is a 7-page summary of all the topics covered in the Exponential Functions unit of the Grade 11 Functions Math course. I created this summary as part of my final culminating project, which I received a Level 4 (A ) on, and I also used this to study for my final exam. Topics included: graphing exponential functions, solving exponential equations, the logarithmic function, exponential word problems (growth, decline, doubling, half-life), interest and present value word problems (simple inte...
Grade 11 Functions exam summary notes, IB MATH: Rational Expressions unit
- Class notes • 8 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- CA$15.49
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This is an 8-page summary of all the topics covered in the Rational Expressions unit of the Grade 11 Functions Math course. I created this summary as part of my final culminating project, which I received a Level 4 (A ) on, and I also used this to study for my final exam. Topics included: laws of exponents, factoring polynomials (simple trinomials, perfect square, difference of square, group factoring, complex trinomials), rational expressions (RE), adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing/solvi...
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