9th Grade
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Ce résumé contient toute la matière enseignée en secondaire 3, incluant la Renaissance, les Grandes explorations et l'Ère des révolutions, donc la Révolution française et la Révolution industrielle et tous les concepts associés à la matière.
Ceci est un résumé des présupposés, de la publicité, surconsommation, moyens-fins et de la question existentielle du bonheur par Aristote et Épicure.
Ce document sert de résumé pour les particules, les mélanges homogènes et hétérogènes, les changements physiques et chimiques, la masse volumique et le pH.
Résumé des premiers occupants du Canada en partant de la façon dont ceux-ci sont arrivés au Canada, le climat et au territoire, jusqu'au mode de vie des Inuits, Iroquoiens et Algonquiens.
Document contains detailed notes of three units, academic level Canadian geography course notes. Includes: branches of geography, spacial significancem FNMI, remote sensing, parts of the earth, geologic history, continental drift, plate technonics, plate movement, canadian landforms, climate change, natural resources, fishing methods, sustainable farming, deforestation, mining industry, energy
Dans ce document, je traite l’univers, les systèmes solaires, comment la terre a été créée et son évolution.
This document provides a summary of key concepts related to French, particularly focusing on grammar, verb, and language rules, Includes: irregular adjectives, verbs tenses, expressions for invitations and interrogatives, direct and indirect object pronouns,
Exam topics with detailed explanations for Ecology, Chemistry, and Electricity units. Includes: Earth's subsystems, photosynthesis, cells, ecosystems, limiting factors, invasive species, particle theory, states of matter, mixtures, density, elements, atoms, periodic table, static electricity, law of electric charges, electrostatic applications, circuits, ohm's law.
Each bolded title has an easy to read definition, sometimes including extra information or steps to follow to complete an equation. Through this note we cover static electricity, laws of attraction/repulsion, charging by contact, reviewing terms, Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Law, circuits and real life applications.
This study note covers a simple chemistry review, with other topics such as ions, compounds, polyatomic ions, word equations, counting atoms, reactions, acids and bases. It is a simplified version of the Grade 9 Science course with clear and easy definitions/steps to follow!