Canadian Coast Guard College (CCGC )
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contamorary issues in buisness law
- Class notes • 15 pages • 2023
- CA$61.78
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Business law is a crucial component of law in general since, without it, the corporate, manufacturing, and retail sectors would all be under a dictator’s rule. Combining business and law seeks to create secure and efficient working environments for everyone associated with the business. 
You must know a contract’s meaning to understand the definition of business law. Let’s first understand what is a contract.
buisness law
- Class notes • 18 pages • 2023
- CA$52.97
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Business law is a crucial component of law in general since, without it, the corporate, manufacturing, and retail sectors would all be under a dictator’s rule. Combining business and law seeks to create secure and efficient working environments for everyone associated with the business. 
You must know a contract’s meaning to understand the definition of business law. Let’s first understand what is a contract.
- Class notes • 12 pages • 2023
- CA$60.43
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Business law is a crucial component of law in general since, without it, the corporate, manufacturing, and retail sectors would all be under a dictator’s rule. Combining business and law seeks to create secure and efficient working environments for everyone associated with the business. 
You must know a contract’s meaning to understand the definition of business law. Let’s first understand what is a contract.
contigent contract and free consent
- Class notes • 22 pages • 2023
- CA$60.43
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Business law is a crucial component of law in general since, without it, the corporate, manufacturing, and retail sectors would all be under a dictator’s rule. Combining business and law seeks to create secure and efficient working environments for everyone associated with the business. 
You must know a contract’s meaning to understand the definition of business law. Let’s first understand what is a contract.
buisness law
- Class notes • 21 pages • 2023
- CA$61.18
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Business law is a crucial component of law in general since, without it, the corporate, manufacturing, and retail sectors would all be under a dictator’s rule. Combining business and law seeks to create secure and efficient working environments for everyone associated with the business. 
You must know a contract’s meaning to understand the definition of business law. Let’s first understand what is a contract.
Want to regain your expenses?
buiness law
- Class notes • 9 pages • 2023
- CA$60.43
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My docuenet is basend on the all the rules and regulation which is taking oplace in india . 
Buisness law is a cruicial coponent of law in general since ,without it many corporate ,anufacturing and retail sectores would be under a dictators rule so this combination of buisness and law seek to creat secure and efficient working evvironment for everyone .
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