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this is my final research paper report from professor John Logan's Fall 2021 PSYC 2001 B class at Carleton University. The research report is on the word frequency effect and includes all my graphs and analysis, my grade was a 93% on this assignment. this document is being posted for information purposes only please do not plagiarize from this document, it is here to give you a clearer understanding of what the professor is looking for.
This document contains my chapter / lecture study notes for quiz 1 in Professor Matthew Sorley's PSYC1002 class. The chapters covered are 11 and 12 of "Psychology: Themes and Variations" 5th Canadian edition as well as added in information from the lectures on human development and personality. key words are colored and key figures and theories are highlighted so information is easy to find and organized.
These notes are a summary from lecture 4, sensations & perception and include information such as: - sensation and perception - the human eye + diagram - trichromatic theory (Young & Helmholtz) - opponent-process theory (Hering) - Gestalt principals of form perception - the human ear + diagram - definitions + processes
These notes are a summary of chapter 3 from "Psychology Themes and Variations" 5th Canadian edition by Wayne Weiten and Dough McCann. These notes include information such as: - info on neurons, synapse, and glial cells - the 8 steps of synaptic transmission - 4 common properties of neurotransmitters - lesioning, ESB, EEG, TMS - the limbic system - the endocrine system - genotype vs phenotype
These notes include information about: - the structure of a neuron + diagram - neural impulse and generating action potential + diagrams - Synaptic Transmission + Diagram - Information on the nervous system - forebrain and subcortical structures + diagram - forebrain and subcortical regions + diagram - the cerebral cortex +diagram - mapping he brain, brain adaptation and recovery from brain damage info
all quiz 5 material
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all material for quiz 1