Columbia College (CC )
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Natural Selection
- Summary • 2 pages • 2023
- CA$11.78
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Natural selection is the differential survival and reproduction in some individuals over others due to the possession of certain genotypic and phenotypic traits. It is responsible for the evolution of new species with more advanced traits.
Hunter-Gatherer Societies
- Class notes • 2 pages • 2023
- CA$12.52
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A settled agricultural society is where the adaptation of human work and tools are fixed to a land plot for more than one growing cycle. This means changing hunting and gathering a lifestyle based on agriculture to stay in one place until the soil is exhausted. While hunter-gatherer is a simple society based on hunting and gathering food. The significant contrast between the two is the growth of innovative tools that mark the clear difference between them. In agricultural societies, there is a c...
- Essay • 10 pages • 2023
- CA$12.07
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Bullying is an aggressive behavior and tactic used to dominate and hurt others. It involves coercion, use of force, teasing, abuse, and threats. Bullying occurs at home, school, in the playground and online through cyberbullying.
Slacking for a Cause
- Essay • 7 pages • 2021
- CA$13.11
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As the old West African proverb goes “we have not inherited this land from our forbearers; we have borrowed it from our children.” This wise saying exemplifies the essence of people focusing more on making the world a better place, if nothing else, for the sake of generations to come. Incidentally, the world is now waking up to the scenario of heightened social interaction powered by breakthrough in technology that has seen the emergence of social media platforms. On these platforms are clas...
Slacktivism and Social Media
- Other • 1 pages • 2021
- CA$4.41
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Thesis statement: Slacktivism has made activism save, more efficient, and easier to organize. As the new media continues to play an important role in how we communicate, slacktivism reaches and raises support for a cause beyond limitations that affect traditional activism. 
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Body Paragraph 1: 
Topic sentence: Social media and other online mediums of communication are the most effective ways of communicating today. It makes sense, therefore, to use social media to agitate for cha...
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