Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (Conestoga )
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Supply Chain Logistics Weekly Notes
- Class notes • 81 pages • 2023
- CA$15.66
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This document contains the weekly class notes for the supply chain logistics course.

In this course, you will investigate many examples of the classic cost/service trade-off that is the major challenge for all supply chain managers. The major emphasis of the course is on the utilization of strategies to add value to a company's supply chain by either reducing costs, improving efficiency or improving customer service.
Class notes
Supply Chain Logistics Weekly Notes
Last document update:
This document contains the weekly class notes for the supply chain logistics course. 
In this course, you will investigate many examples of the classic cost/service trade-off that is the major challenge for all supply chain managers. The major emphasis of the course is on the utilization of strategies to add value to a company's supply chain by either reducing costs, improving efficiency or improving customer service.
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