Dalhousie University (DAL )
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Latest notes & summaries Dalhousie University (DAL )
trump realism in political science
Realism in political science
Lecture notes covering all material leading up to the midterm. Chapters 1,19,20,21
The course details an introduction to business corporations and capital structures. Shareholder and capital structures are described.
This document contains everything relating to the history, evolution and introduction of memes to the political realm. It looks at the types of memes, the impact of memes and how they correlate and interact on the world and political stages.
This document looks at the evolution of mass communication over time as well as the types. It analyses how mass communication is utilized by individuals, groups and during political elections. Takes in to account how the tactics such as agenda setting and algorithms alter political agendas, elections and voting membership.
This document speaks to the breakdown of digitization in the political sphere. The impacts of internet polling and social media usage in a ever growing climate digital age. It looks at the differing digital divides from the first to third with an entire breakdown of each. As well as how the disparities created by a divide with the internet affect society as well as politics on a larger scale.
This document provides a outline of the things or items needed to write a successful research paper, within the social science field. It breaks down the individualised sections of a research proposal as well as provides adequate explanation of all the areas. Its a model guide for doing research or starting a college level research in Social Science
Environment and Society -CASE STUDY (Research topic Example) 
Week three: The Question of Environmentalism: Is It Just About the Environment? 
- Environment - society what is the big deal ? 
-The evolution of theory/ theories across, Time 
- Social change [ Local, national, International, global 
- Technological change 
- Policies and action
•What is theory? 
•Why is theory so important? 
•Deductive And Inductive Reasoning 
•Theory testing: From theory to data 
•Sociological perspectives: Classic theoretical orientations 
Explanatory Research, Descriptive Research , Exploratory Research. 
Qualitative vs Quantitive Research