Doctor of Medicine
Latest uploads at Doctor of Medicine. Looking for notes at Doctor of Medicine? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Majors at Doctor of Medicine
Notes available for the following studies at Doctor of Medicine
Latest notes & summaries Doctor of Medicine
Ash Leaf Spots in Tuberous Sclerosis 
Reason why it is termed so
Organophosphate Poisoning - OP Poisoning 
Physiological basis 
This document explains why there is String of pearls appearance in small bowel obstruction
Wilsons disease is a copper storage disease. 
It is a rare genetic disorder characterized by excess copper stored in various body tissues, particularly the liver, brain, and corneas of the eyes. 
This note explains the reason for the characteristic sunflower-shaped opacity seen in Wilsons disease.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is characterised by certain finger joint deformities. This document explains the anatomical basis of these deformities. 
There is also a note on its pathophysiological basis.