Lakehead University (LakeheadU )
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Nitrate in Flagstaff Arizona
- Essay • 2 pages • 2021
- CA$4.40
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Nitrate is a regulated water contaminant in the United States. It is very common in the rural areas and causes “blue baby” disease (Methemoglobinemia) when it is over concentrated in water. It is an inorganic compound found in the environment due to both natural and unnatural. Its major components include Nitrogen and three parts oxygen. The major sources of nitrate contamination in water include, but not limited to farming fertilizer which gets washed away from the soil to ground water sour...
Nitrate in Flagstaff Arizona
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Nitrate is a regulated water contaminant in the United States. It is very common in the rural areas and causes “blue baby” disease (Methemoglobinemia) when it is over concentrated in water. It is an inorganic compound found in the environment due to both natural and unnatural. Its major components include Nitrogen and three parts oxygen. The major sources of nitrate contamination in water include, but not limited to farming fertilizer which gets washed away from the soil to ground water sour...
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