VET212 (VET212)
St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology ( )
Here are the best resources to pass VET212 (VET212). Find VET212 (VET212) study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.
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Normal Lab Values - Canine & Feline
- Class notes • 1 pages • 2023
- CA$7.45
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Here is a concise chart with normal lab values for urinalysis and blood tests for dogs & cats. The chart includes things like urinary pH, white blood cell count, normal total protein levels, leukocyte counts, & more.
Class notes
Normal Lab Values - Canine & Feline
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Here is a concise chart with normal lab values for urinalysis and blood tests for dogs & cats. The chart includes things like urinary pH, white blood cell count, normal total protein levels, leukocyte counts, & more.
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Ectoparasite Chart with Scientific Name, Common Name, & Hosts
- Class notes • 1 pages • 2023
- CA$14.16
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This chart covers 13 ectoparasites of large & small companion animals such as sheep, horses, dogs, & cats. Fleas, mange, mites, & more are included.
Class notes
Ectoparasite Chart with Scientific Name, Common Name, & Hosts
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This chart covers 13 ectoparasites of large & small companion animals such as sheep, horses, dogs, & cats. Fleas, mange, mites, & more are included.
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Make study stress less painful
Study stress? For sellers on Stuvia, these are actually golden times. KA-CHING! Earn from your study resources too and start uploading now. Discover all about earning on Stuvia
Study stress? For sellers on Stuvia, these are actually golden times. KA-CHING! Earn from your study resources too and start uploading now. Discover all about earning on Stuvia