Anatomy and Physiology (AIT-NAB)
Thompson River University (TRU )
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AIT NAB Exam study guide
- Other • 7 pages • 2021
- CA$11.22
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Nursing staffing req LN need? 
RN need? 
1) Personal to meet resident care plan on 24hr basis 
2) Licensed nurse as charge nurse on each shift 
3) RN at least 8 HRS CONSECUTIVE hrs a day 7 DAYS A WEEK 
4) FULL TIME D.O.N the D.O.N may serve as a charge nurse only when the facility has an average daily occupancy of fewer than 60 RES. 
what staffing reqs can be waived? Conditions for waiving LN charge nurse? 
Who must be notified of waiver and by whom? 
A) RN...
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