University of British Columbia (UBC )
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Pinocchio in Dramatis Personae
- Essay • 3 pages • 2021
- CA$6.03
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As literary concepts, dramatis personae emerge in the works of Vladimir Propp in reference to the tendency of fairy tales to incorporate a broad range of character types. One such persona in Collodi’s tale is the protagonist Pinocchio around which the story revolves. The author creates a series of events that characterize the escapades of his central character around which the story revolves. He further develops numerous characters including helpers and villains that help his storytelling as t...
Comparison of Yasha Frank’s Pinocchio and Collodi’s Pinocchio
- Essay • 2 pages • 2021
- CA$4.41
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Yasha Frank’s adaptation of Collodi’s Pinocchio extensively alters both the theme and the main character of the original story. While the character of Pinocchio in Collodi’s novel, The Story of a Puppet, is highly active and hard headed, in that he does not listen or follow the rules, the Pinocchio portrayed on Frank’s play, Pinocchio is very passive, docile, and does not present so much hard headedness as the original one. Seeing that these was in late 1930s, early 1940s, a period marre...
Pinocchio through the Fairy’s Looking Glass
- Essay • 5 pages • 2021
- CA$9.57
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Pinocchio through the Fairy’s Looking Glass 
Fairy tales have been told for generations mostly as lessons in humanity as well as to inspire change in character. In ‘The Adventures of Pinocchio,’ the underlying moral lesson revolves around the need for honesty. In view of this moral, author Carlo Collodi imposes a strict punishment for lying by growing Pinocchio’s nose bigger every time he tells a lie. This analysis focuses on animism as seen in a psychoanalytic approach to the story. 
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