ADM 2341 (ADM2341)
University of Ottawa (U of O )
Here are the best resources to pass ADM 2341 (ADM2341). Find ADM 2341 (ADM2341) study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.
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Managerial Accounting - Telfer, uOttawa
- Summary • 99 pages • 2024
- CA$13.94
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This course introduces students to the role of management accounting, as distinct from financial accounting, in the decision-making process. Major topics of the document include: the determination of the costs of products and services, cost behaviour, relevant costs, standard costs, budgeting, responsibility accounting and cost allocation. All topics are approached in a management context in order to give the student an appreciation of the value of the various techniques available for the analys...
Managerial Accounting - Telfer, uOttawa
Last document update:
This course introduces students to the role of management accounting, as distinct from financial accounting, in the decision-making process. Major topics of the document include: the determination of the costs of products and services, cost behaviour, relevant costs, standard costs, budgeting, responsibility accounting and cost allocation. All topics are approached in a management context in order to give the student an appreciation of the value of the various techniques available for the analys...
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Did you know that on average a seller on Stuvia earns $82 per month selling study resources? Hmm, hint, hint. Discover all about earning on Stuvia