University of Saskatchewan (USASK )
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Majors at University of Saskatchewan (USASK )
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Latest notes & summaries University of Saskatchewan (USASK )
bio 120 notes from lectures 2-9
This document contains every term and definition from the videos and lectures provided by Kyle. It also includes most quiz questions with correct answers. Every time a term was used i added it to the document. Some terms from the textbook that were not used in his lecture videos or on a quiz may not be on this document, so do not use this to replace the text book!
Pharmacy 253 – Pharmacotherapeutics 2 – Asthma + COPD + Inhaler Devices + Smoking Cessation + Corticosteroids. Covers Rx medications for Asthma, COPD, Smoking cessation, and Corticosteroids. Also includes and compares the various types of inhaler devices. 
-	Smoking Cessation Products 
-	Corticosteroids (Dosage Forms, Adverse Effects and Complications, Dosing) 
-	Cushing’s Syndrome 
-	Addison’s Disease 
-	Respiratory Tests 
-	Asthma (Pharmacological Treatment, Treatment Guid...
Pharmacy 253 – Pharmacotherapeutics 2 – Oral Contraceptive + STI Excel Notes. Covers Rx medications for oral contraception and sexually transmitted diseases. 
-	Menstrual Cycle Basics 
-	Hormonal Contraception 
-	Barrier Methods 
-	Permanent Contraception 
-	Natural Family Planning 
-	Emergency Contraception 
-	Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV), Herpes Simplex Virus (Genital Herpes), Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Chancro...
Pharmacy 154 - Minor Ailment II - full course excel file. Covers OTC products for various conditions. 
Contains the following Content: 
- Hives 
- Drug Induced Rashes (DIR) 
- Psoriasis 
- Shingles	 
- Pityriasis and Lupus erythematosus	 
- Foot Care 
- Hemorrhoids 
- Dental Care 
- Back Pain 
- Leg Pain 
- Herbal Products 
- Constipation 
- Diarrhea 
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 
- Nausea and Vomiting 
- Ophthalmic Situs 
- Lens Care 
- Otic Care (Ear Care) 
- Testing Devices 
- Home Care...
Pharmacy 153 - Minor Ailment full course excel file. Covers OTC products for various conditions. 
Contains the following Content: 
- Vitamins & Minerals 
- Cold and Cough 
- Allergies 
- Basic Skin Conditions 
- Itch Products 
- Eczema 
- Lice 
- Tinea and Dandruff 
- Contact Dermatitis 
- Diaper Rash 
- Basic First Aid 
- Hair Loss 
- Sun Protection 
- Basic Vaginitis 
References to statistics regarding frequency of conditions, effectiveness of treatment, and other clinical trial data is o...
Class notes the human journey: introduction to archaeology and biological anthropology(ARCH112) uofs
psych 223 uofs notes
bio 120 uofs notes