Organic Chemistry 2223

University of Western Ontario (UWO )

Here are the best resources to pass Organic Chemistry 2223. Find Organic Chemistry 2223 study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.

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  • Orgo 2223 FINAL Notes: ALL LECTURES

  • Summary • 83 pages • 2023
  • My exam notes for Organic Chemistry 2223 cover all the lecture content; TOPIC 1: Colours and Chromophores TOPIC 2: Cellular Structure and Function TOPIC 3: Amino Acids & Proteins TOPIC 4: Carbohydrates TOPIC 5: Lipids TOPIC 6: Nucleic Acids TOPIC 7: Pharmaceutical Drugs PLUS A BONUS!!! Orgo 2223 lab notes summary sheet My notes have WELL-DRAWN out reaction mechanisms, which are key to helping students visualize the chemistry for a deeper understanding. As well as thorough notes ...
  • CA$15.54
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