Psychol 1000 (Psychol 1000)
University of Western Ontario (UWO )
Popular textbooks
Psychology: Frontiers and Applications
Michael W. Passer, Ronald E. Smith, Michael Atkinson, John Mitchell
1 documents
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Applied math 1201B essays
- Essay • 227 pages • 2021
- CA$6.65
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This document has both essays that are to be written in Applied Math 1201B. It is very useful to see as the professors are quite vague with the requirements for the assignment and how to perform well on them.
Applied Math 1201B math essays
- Exam (elaborations) • 31 pages • 2021
- CA$5.17
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These documents include the essays written in the course (each is 5% of the final grade) that have both received grades of 5/5 or 100% on their evaluations. They are a great way to gauge what the professors are really looking for as they tend to be vague with assignment descriptions and how to do well on them.
Class notes Psychol 1000 (Psychol 1000) Psychology: Frontiers and Applications, ISBN: 9781260065787
- Class notes • 110 pages • 2021
- CA$4.43
- 10x sold
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These documents cover all chapters (1-19) from the textbook and include essential diagrams that focus on the key topics discussed in the course. At the end of each chapter, you will find lecture notes on each chapter, accompanied by screenshots of certain diagrams used in the lecture videos. This is really all that is necessary for the course as it covers both the textbook and lectures in a very detailed manner.
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