Biol 2311 exam - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
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BIOL 2311 – Exam 5 (47 questions; max score: 110 out of 100 points) Answered.
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2024
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BIOL 2311 – Exam 5 (47 questions; max score: 110 out of 100 points) 
Multiple choice questions. (40 points). Select a single answer per question. Each question is 
worth 1 pt. 
1. An example of negative feedback is the control of blood glucose levels by glucagon. A 
__________ in blood glucose leads to the pancreas secreting glucagon that promotes 
__________ of glucose from the bloodstream. 
a. fall; release 
b. fall; removal 
c. rise; removal 
d. rise; release 
e. none of the above 

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