Bios 2150 microbiology - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Bios 2150 microbiology? On this page you'll find 5 study documents about Bios 2150 microbiology.
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BIOS 2150 Microbiology Class Notes Review
- Class notes • 3 pages • 2021
- CA$15.58
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•	What is the role of oxygen in bacterial metabolism? 
•	What about carbon? 
•	Explain how a low pH affects bacterial metabolism. Shuts down metabolism because it ruins the enzymes that the bacteria need to survive. 
•	Bacteria have varying oxygen requirements. Which category describes those that would grow deep in the soil? 
o	Obligate aerobic- requires oxygen for energy production as an electron acceptor 
o	Facultative anaerobic- can thrive in oxygen but can also use another electron...

BIOS 2150 Microbiology -The Adaptive (Specific) Immune System
- Class notes • 4 pages • 2021
- CA$12.61
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The Adaptive (Specific) Immune System (Chapter 18) 
•	Adaptive immunity: defenses that target a specific pathogen 
o	Learned- the body has to adapt to this 
o	Some pathogens change their shape so that adaptive immunity misses them 
•	Acquired through infection or vaccination 
o	Immune response is always stronger through infection 
•	Primary response: first time the immune system combats a particular foreign substance 
•	Secondary response: later interactions with the same foreign substan...

BIOS 2150 Microbiology_Class_Notes Physiology
- Other • 2 pages • 2021
- CA$6.67
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. Compare and demonstrate the use of the techniques used to measure microbial growth and population size. 
Bacterial Growth 
Generation Time (Chapter 9 page 362) 
•	Time required for a cell to divide 
o	20 minutes to 24 hours 
•	We looked at two ways that this could happen 
o	Binary Fission 
o	Mitosis 
Bacterial Growth Curve 
1.	Lag phase: no increase in number of living bacterial cells 
2.	Log phase: exponential increase in number of living bacterial cells 
3.	Stationary Phase: plat...

BIOS 2150 Microbiology Review Questions & Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2021
- CA$9.64
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Leading and lagging strands are always referring to the new DNA on the inside 
If this is a nucleotide that wants to join a new strand of DNA, which part joins the new strand? 5’ end (phosphate) 
Which part of the nucleotide is going to dock into the parent strand? 3’ nitrogen base 
Protein Synthesis – terminology 
•	Recall that proteins are made of amino acids 
•	Triplet - a series of 3 DNA nucleotides that code for 1 amino acid 
o	If you stack a bunch of triplets together you cre...

BIOS 2150 Class Notes review
- Other • 2 pages • 2021
- CA$6.67
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. Temperature (Section 9.4) 
•	Psychrophiles: prefer cooler temperatures (below 15 degrees C). Do not live in humans. (Psychorotrophs grow at higher temps and can cause spoilage of refrigerated foods). 
•	Mesophiles: prefer 25-40 degrees C. Live in humans as pathogens and non-pathogens. 
•	Thermophiles: prefer 50-60 degrees C. Found in compost piles and hot springs. 
o	Often domain archaea 
o	Often not pathogens to humans 
Temperature Considerations: 
•	Minimum growth temperatur...

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