Design circuits - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Design circuits? On this page you'll find 3 study documents about Design circuits.
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comp 410 final exam study questions and answers UPDATED 2024
- Exam (elaborations) • 12 pages • 2024
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- CA$23.04
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load lambda - how full the table currently is 
foo(N-1) time complexity - O(N) 
foo(N-1) - foo(N-2) - O(2^N) 
foo(foo(N-1)) - O(2N) or O(N) 
stable sort that is O(NlogN) worst case - merge sort 
unstable sort that is O(NlogN) worst case - heap sort 
sort algorithm that is O(N) worst case - bucket sort 
traveling salesman problem - no efficient solution is known 
find a Hamiltonian path in a graph - no efficient solution is known 
complete graph with 12 vertices - dense graph 

CPS213 Notes - Design on Sequential circuits
- Class notes • 16 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- CA$11.88
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These are notes for all design of sequential circuits, state tables and diagrams, flip flops, Kmaps, registers, binary subtractor. These are useful for CPS213 final.
notes on digital design concepts

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