Pauli exclusion principle - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Pauli exclusion principle? On this page you'll find 4 study documents about Pauli exclusion principle.
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Grade 12 Chemistry: Structures and Properties of Matter
- Interview • 39 pages • 2023
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- CA$11.88
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Grade 12 Chemistry Notes on the Structure and Properties of Matter. Includes topics varying from the current model of the atom, light, the photoelectric electric effect, the atomic line spectra, wave particle duality, heisenberg's uncertainty principle, quantum numbers, electron configuration, hund's rule, pauli exclusion principle, aufbau principle, orbital diagrams, electron configuration, valence bond theory and orbital hybridization, VSEPR, covalent bonding and polarity, periodic table tre...
Chapter 4 discusses about Quantum theory…Quantum numbers such as principles numbers, spin numbers, angular momentum numbers and etc…
This chapter focuses on multi-electron theory instead of just one. We see how z effective effects where the position of an electron is located and thus the size of the atom.

College level general chemistry class notes - 2021
- Class notes • 38 pages • 2022
- CA$15.59
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In these class notes, you can find information given by my teacher, Nicolas Deligiannis on types of reactions, significant figures, orbitals, gas principals (real and ideal), energies, quantum chemistry and lots and lots of history !

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