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Best selling Access to History: The Cold War in Asia 1945-93 for OCR Second Edition notes
U.S. vs Communist Military Strategy Essay A Level History the Cold War

U.S. Commitment in Vietnam- Kennedy vs Eisenhower
- Essay • 3 pages • 2021 Popular
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Who was more important in determining U.S. commitment, and intervention in Vietnam? 
i) President Dwight D. Eisenhower 
ii) President John F. Kennedy 
Explain your answer with reference to both (i) and (ii). 
9/10 response

What Caused the Korean War? Korean Nationalism vs Communist Agression
- Essay • 2 pages • 2021 Popular
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Which of the following factors was more important in the outbreak of the Korean War on June 25th, 1950? 
i) Korean nationalism 
ii) Communist aggression 
Explain your answer with reference to both (i) and (ii). [10] 
9/10 response
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Newest Access to History: The Cold War in Asia 1945-93 for OCR Second Edition summaries

U.S. Commitment in Vietnam- Kennedy vs Eisenhower
- Essay • 3 pages • 2021 New
- £3.99
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Who was more important in determining U.S. commitment, and intervention in Vietnam? 
i) President Dwight D. Eisenhower 
ii) President John F. Kennedy 
Explain your answer with reference to both (i) and (ii). 
9/10 response

What Caused the Korean War? Korean Nationalism vs Communist Agression
- Essay • 2 pages • 2021 New
- £3.99
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Which of the following factors was more important in the outbreak of the Korean War on June 25th, 1950? 
i) Korean nationalism 
ii) Communist aggression 
Explain your answer with reference to both (i) and (ii). [10] 
9/10 response
U.S. vs Communist Military Strategy Essay A Level History the Cold War
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