Save time by focussing on what matters. Study revision notes and textbook summaries written by fellow students to quickly understand the essentials
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On Stuvia you will find summaries, practice questions and other study documents for all subjects. Find all the summaries you need by looking for your subject.
You can also search for study books on Stuvia. Use your textbook as a starting point to find the best summaries, practice exams or notes.
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Do you need summaries or notes to study for a BTEC subject? On Stuvia you'll find all kinds of documents that make studying for BTEC assignments easier.
Find the most downloaded documents of all studies in the United Kingdom. Are you looking for summaries for your field of study? We have the most recent and best written summaries of the United Kingdom.
Hundred thousands of people are searching for your content every day. You can easily upload your summaries to our platform and start earning money from your study notes. Your knowledge is worth money! Over 700,000 top sellers have already joined and are making money from their knowledge daily. Sign up for free today and start earning while helping others!
With the money I earn on Stuvia I save up to buy ...
With the money I earn on Stuvia I save up to buy equipment for college and I may put some of the money towards items that I want such as trainers or clothes in order to get enough new clothes to go on holiday this year.
With the money I earn on Stuvia, I continue ...
With the money I earn on Stuvia, I continue to finance my own education at postgraduate level. I'm pleased to be able to offer students the results of long, hard revision and note-taking for a reasonable price, as it helps me continue to learn.

Great Service, customer service is responsive, website has made adjustments according to other work platforms e.g. Btec.
Comes up google searches alot now, yay.
I think Stuvia super useful, because… it allows me to make a passive income passing on my revision notes to students in similar positions to myself, helping to aid my studies!
Upload your old work to help students with their ...
Upload your old work to help students with their work and cash out real money!! Had this for about 3/4 weeks and made £20 already. Feels nice to be awarded for your work.
Stuvia has been such a great help in connecting me ...
Stuvia has been such a great help in connecting me with students. I have earned a great deal through selling my notes on Stuvia. Easy and smooth process, I will be sure to continue selling on Stuvia!
BPP University College Of Professional Studies Limited
I think Stuvia is a fantastic platform for sharing ...
I think Stuvia is a fantastic platform for sharing high quality assignments. It allows people to benefit from all different areas and it's a very good opportunity to search for work by real students that gives you an example of what to do.
Have you ever been asked by someone if they could ...
Have you ever been asked by someone if they could 'take a look' at your work so much that you think about selling it as a joke?

I took that literally, and now I'm selling my old college work. So far I've made around £40 and still progressing!

Thanks for offering this opportunity, my coursework can sometimes be a bit confusing but with the help of your site it truly does lighten the pressure. Thanks once again
I love Stuvia, the fact that you can sell ...
I love Stuvia, the fact that you can sell your notes and help other students out by also monetising it and making a side income out of it is really beneficial to everyone involved and innovative.
I believe its one of the best ways to convert your ...
I believe its one of the best ways to convert your knowledge and notes 
into something you would be able to use for your own benefit but also 
by selling materials could help others.
Its actually a really good platform left it out ...
Its actually a really good platform left it out for too long gonna upload tones am at uni and got a lot of notes and essays to share within the sports industry!! Stuvia keep up the great work
Stuvia is an amazing platform for students able to ...
Stuvia is an amazing platform for students able to get resources for a good price to help with work. Without this platform I wouldn’t have been able to help other students.
I was honestly so surprised when I got a notification saying someone had bought my notes. And then 2 more people bought them right after that and all of a sudden I’d made some spare cash without having a lift a finger! Stuvia is amazing! 

I think stuvia is a great place where you can help ...
I think stuvia is a great place where you can help other students. You can also earn a good pocket money. It's very useful as I can see what other students did for the same assignment.
I think Stuvia is a great way to earn a little bit ...
I think Stuvia is a great way to earn a little bit of money for helping out other students. I remember what it was like having unhelpful teachers and then coming onto stuvia and getting resources that helped me achieve distinction stars in my work.
Stuvia is great, it has helped me earn an ...
Stuvia is great, it has helped me earn an additional income that I can use to spoil my family during big occasions! It works both ways really, helps the students and the sellers!

Stuvia is such a great way to find documents in ...
Stuvia is such a great way to find documents in all subjects and help you
to create your own ideas! It's also great to make the most of your own work
and sharing with others at the same time as making some money!