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Newest Active Vision summaries
Locomotion- plus additional reading (highlighted with an asterisk*)
- Lecture notes • 7 pages • 2018
- Available in package deal
- £5.99
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This lecture summary was based on how we guide our own self-movement- what cues does one use to get to a target? 
The lecture explores two hypotheses: optic flow and egocentric direction. The lecture explores the role of extra retinal signals, models of heading, and fascinating phenomenons such as unilateral neglect, with the case study of WV. 
I have also included interesting information from papers on neglect and locomotion in terms of the gender differences and also in patients with parkinson...
Lecture notes
Locomotion- plus additional reading (highlighted with an asterisk*)
Last document update:
This lecture summary was based on how we guide our own self-movement- what cues does one use to get to a target? 
The lecture explores two hypotheses: optic flow and egocentric direction. The lecture explores the role of extra retinal signals, models of heading, and fascinating phenomenons such as unilateral neglect, with the case study of WV. 
I have also included interesting information from papers on neglect and locomotion in terms of the gender differences and also in patients with parkinson...
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Do you wonder why so many students wear nice clothes, have money to spare and enjoy tons of free time? Well, they sell on Stuvia! Imagine your study notes being downloaded a dozen times for £15 each. Every. Single. Day. Discover all about earning on Stuvia