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Best selling Basic Life Support Provider Manual (International English) notes

American Red Cross BLS Training LESSONS 1-6 Complete Answered Tests (all correct) Updated Spring 2023.
- Exam (elaborations) • 23 pages • 2023 Popular
- £7.15
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1.	Assess, Recog- nize and Care Concept 2.	Rapid Assess- ment a systematic, continuous approach for responding to emergency situations Perform a visual survey, checking responsiveness, open- ing the airway while simultaneously checking for breathing and pulse 3.	visual survey	assess for safety, formulate initial impression of the pa- tient, determine need for additional resources 4.	Scene size up	safety, number of patients, and the NOI or MOI 5.	When a patient is unresponsive re- m...
Newest Basic Life Support Provider Manual (International English) summaries

American Red Cross BLS Training LESSONS 1-6 Complete Answered Tests (all correct) Updated Spring 2023.
- Exam (elaborations) • 23 pages • 2023 New
- £7.15
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1.	Assess, Recog- nize and Care Concept 2.	Rapid Assess- ment a systematic, continuous approach for responding to emergency situations Perform a visual survey, checking responsiveness, open- ing the airway while simultaneously checking for breathing and pulse 3.	visual survey	assess for safety, formulate initial impression of the pa- tient, determine need for additional resources 4.	Scene size up	safety, number of patients, and the NOI or MOI 5.	When a patient is unresponsive re- m...

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