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Newest Becker\'s World of the Cell summaries
Lecture notes - Cell And Molecular Biology (Endomembrane system) - Using Becker's World of the Cell
- Lecture notes • 4 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- £6.99
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If you're studying a life science (e.g. - biomed, bioscience, physiology, sports science, sports physiology etc), then this detailed set of lecture notes on the endomembrane system will help you smash your first set of exams on cell/molecular biology! 
These notes cover the endomembrane system, helical structures, the cytoskeleton and cell to cell signalling 
You'll need an in depth knowledge of the cytoskeleton and signalling throughout your degree (especially in your third year if you'...
£5.50 for your revision notes multiplied by 100 fellow students... Do the math: that's a lot of money! Don't be a thief of your own wallet and start uploading yours now. Discover all about earning on Stuvia