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Best selling Business Law and Practice 2019/2020 notes
Business Law and Practice Notes
- Lecture notes • 78 pages • 2021 Popular
- £23.49
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These are an in-depth study of Business Law and Practice. It includes a lot of statute law, case law, examples and plenty of summaries at the end of topics to allow you to revise these more easily after becoming familiar with the in-depth content. 
They are extremely easy to follow with plenty of subheadings and understandable language. 
Extremely useful if you're studying the LPC or SQE Route. Especially the SQE Route as these lecture notes follow the briefing for Business Law and Practic...
Newest Business Law and Practice 2019/2020 summaries
Business Law and Practice Notes
- Lecture notes • 78 pages • 2021 New
- £23.49
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These are an in-depth study of Business Law and Practice. It includes a lot of statute law, case law, examples and plenty of summaries at the end of topics to allow you to revise these more easily after becoming familiar with the in-depth content. 
They are extremely easy to follow with plenty of subheadings and understandable language. 
Extremely useful if you're studying the LPC or SQE Route. Especially the SQE Route as these lecture notes follow the briefing for Business Law and Practic...
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