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Best selling By The Bog Of Cats notes
By the Bog of Cats detailed notes and analysis
- Other • 8 pages • 2024 Popular
- £4.36
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These notes on Marina Carr's 'By the Bog of Cats' include detailed literary analysis with named language and structural devices, direct key quotes from each act, contextual background of Ireland and colonialism, critical viewpoints from well established authors with website links provided that take you to the source and finally comparison links to 'The Penelopiad' by Margaret Atwood. The notes are separated by Act, Scene and elements of the play such as stagecraft. Furthermore, everything i...
Newest By The Bog Of Cats summaries
By the Bog of Cats detailed notes and analysis
- Other • 8 pages • 2024 New
- £4.36
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These notes on Marina Carr's 'By the Bog of Cats' include detailed literary analysis with named language and structural devices, direct key quotes from each act, contextual background of Ireland and colonialism, critical viewpoints from well established authors with website links provided that take you to the source and finally comparison links to 'The Penelopiad' by Margaret Atwood. The notes are separated by Act, Scene and elements of the play such as stagecraft. Furthermore, everything i...
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