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Best selling Collins AQA A Level Sociology 1 - AQA A Level Sociology Student Book 1 (Collins AQA A Level Sociology) notes

aqa a level sociology family and households key sociologists and studies
- Summary • 16 pages • 2023 Popular
- Available in package deal
- £9.89
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aqa a level sociology family and households key sociologists and studies. 
each topic in the aqa spec is covered: theories, couples, childhood, demogaphy, changing family patterns, family diversity and social policy. 
16 pages showing each key sociologist per topic and explaining their concepts in depth, whilst linking it to theory. 
helped achieve an A* in sociology at a level because of the convenience, an easy all in one revision tool.
Newest Collins AQA A Level Sociology 1 - AQA A Level Sociology Student Book 1 (Collins AQA A Level Sociology) summaries

aqa a level sociology family and households key sociologists and studies
- Summary • 16 pages • 2023 New
- Available in package deal
- £9.89
- 2x sold
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aqa a level sociology family and households key sociologists and studies. 
each topic in the aqa spec is covered: theories, couples, childhood, demogaphy, changing family patterns, family diversity and social policy. 
16 pages showing each key sociologist per topic and explaining their concepts in depth, whilst linking it to theory. 
helped achieve an A* in sociology at a level because of the convenience, an easy all in one revision tool.

aqa a level sociology topic summary of key sociologists and studies
- Package deal • 4 items • 2023 New
- £20.49
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AQA A level sociology topics education, family and households, crime and deviance and research method with methods in context. 
In depth sociologist bank, with key concepts and theories. clearly sectioned per topic including links to each major perspective.
According closely to the AQA specification - helping achieve A/A* grades.

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