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Best selling Comparative Government And Politics notes
Lecture notes Introduction to Contemporary Democracy (PO1ICD) Comparative Government And Politics
- Lecture notes • 73 pages • 2024 Popular
- Available in package deal
- £10.48
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The module is intended to open students’ eyes to how democracy works or doesn’t work around the world today. The first section on the Origins of Democracy looks globally at where democratic and non-democratic systems exist and what factors determine this distribution. Later sections draw much of their empirical content from the UK, but also include comparisons beyond the UK where appropriate. Whilst, the bulk of information is drawn from the linked textbook - included within the module is th...
Newest Comparative Government And Politics summaries
Lecture notes Introduction to Contemporary Democracy (PO1ICD) Comparative Government And Politics
- Lecture notes • 73 pages • 2024 New
- Available in package deal
- £10.48
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The module is intended to open students’ eyes to how democracy works or doesn’t work around the world today. The first section on the Origins of Democracy looks globally at where democratic and non-democratic systems exist and what factors determine this distribution. Later sections draw much of their empirical content from the UK, but also include comparisons beyond the UK where appropriate. Whilst, the bulk of information is drawn from the linked textbook - included within the module is th...
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