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Newest Computer Networking, Global Edition summaries
Networking: Accessing X-Stream from a remote location
- Essay • 7 pages • 2024
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- £6.49
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During this report I was investigating the behaviour of the TCP/IP protocol stack when accessing x-stream from a remote location such as my home. I used Wireshark to analyse the packet data and I discussed in detail the background processes which occurred at each layer of the protocol stack.

During this examination I studied specific protocols and the changes which occurred to the packet headers as the data passed through the network.
Networking: Accessing X-Stream from a remote location
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During this report I was investigating the behaviour of the TCP/IP protocol stack when accessing x-stream from a remote location such as my home. I used Wireshark to analyse the packet data and I discussed in detail the background processes which occurred at each layer of the protocol stack. 
During this examination I studied specific protocols and the changes which occurred to the packet headers as the data passed through the network.
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Computing - Year 2 - Essays Package
- Package deal • 2 items • 2024
- £10.49
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Essays on Database Aided Design Module and Networking Module.
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Computing - Year 2 - Essays Package
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Essays on Database Aided Design Module and Networking Module.
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